Sethra Lavode

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Title Sethra Lavode
Cover of Sethra Lavode
Author Steven Brust
Country United States
Language English
Series The Khaavren Romances
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Tor Books
Released 2004
Media type Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
Preceded by The Lord of Castle Black

Sethra Lavode is the third volume of The Viscount of Adrilankha, a three-volume novel by Steven Brust that collectively serves as the third novel in his Khaavren Romances. As with the other novels in that series, the book is heavily influenced by the d'Artagnan Romances by Alexandre Dumas.[1] It is named after a character originally introduced in the Vlad Taltos novels, which are also set in in Brust's fictional world of Dragaera.


[edit] Plot introduction

The various heroes of the series come together once again as Kâna initiates his final gambit to seize control of the fledgling Empire.

[edit] Plot summary

Zerika, the new Empress of the newly-restored Dragaeran Empire, struggles to win the support of all sixteen noble houses. Meanwhile, Kâna enlists the services of Illista, the second-to-last Phoenix, who was exiled in the events of The Phoenix Guards. Together with Grita and Kâna's cousin Habil, the three set in motion a grand scheme to seize the Empire. As a first step, Grita spreads her knowledge that Zerika keeps the Warlock, an Easterner, as a secret, taboo lover. Because Zerika has only knowingly shared this secret with Pel, her Royal Discreet and confidant, Grita hopes this will discredit the crafty Yendi. Khaavren speaks on Pel's behalf, however, and Zerika pardons him.

Reunited with his eternal companions once again, Khaavren requests a leave from duty to find his wayward son, Piro. Having fallen in love with Ibronka, who is not of his House, Piro has become a legendary bandit dubbed the Blue Fox. Khaavren locates Piro's band with the help of Pel and partially reconciles with Piro, though the issue of Piro's love remains unsettled. After Khaavren leaves, bounty hunters ambush Piro's band and kill one of his companions. Piro vows to return his slain friend's heirloom to his sister.

Sethra Lavode informs Aerich that Tazendra has disappeared. Aerich finds that her manor has been scorched and a Teckla squatter has taken residence in the abandoned building. Eventually Aerich notes a spot marked on one of Tazendra's maps and deduces that it marks Tazendra's location. Realizing that the mark was most likely planted as bait into an ambush, Aerich nonetheless prepares the make the journey.

As Kâna's forces descend on Adrilankha, Sethra Lavode knows that she has military superiority, which causes her to wonder what else Kâna has planned that makes him confident in victory. She prepares her defenses and sets the Necromancer, the Warlock, and Morrolan's witches to repeat the magical help they gave in the previous battle. As the battle begins, however, all magic stops working. Sethra realizes that Kâna has let the bloody god Tri'nagore loose on the world, who has negative most forms of witchcraft, and has allowed a Jenoine access to the world, which has shut off the Orb. Meanwhile, Khaavren and Pel foil an assassination attempt on the now-helpless Zerika.

Morrolan passes up participation in the battle to return to his Eastern home of Blackchapel and take vengeance for the sacking his home on the raiders and their god, Tri'nagore. Using his Great Weapon, Blackwand, Morrolan easily levels all four raider villages, then defiles Tri'nagore's altar to challenge him to single combat. Morrolan duels the god, but cannot harm him until he manages to contact his witch circle and request a canceling spell to the god's invulnerability. The spell works despite the block on witchcraft and Morrolan slays the god.

Piro and his company locate their friend's sister and return the heirloom. The heirloom locates a nearby source of magic and the group investigates. In the cave where Zerika originally emerged from the Paths of the Dead, they discover Grita and Illista lying in ambush with Tazendra as captive. Aerich and Tazendra's lackey Mica also arrive. A fight breaks out, but Grita and Illista draw power from the Jenoine and become invulnerable. They mortally injure Aerich and begin systematically slaying Piro's friends. Tazendra frees herself, breaks the Jenoine's protection, and kills Illista before being killed herself by Grita. Sethra, the Necromancer, and Khaavren arrive. Piro kills Grita as Sethra and the Necromancer banish the Jenoine. Aerich shares a final moment with his friend before expiring.

With magic restored, Kâna's forces route while he and his cousin flee. Khaavren quickly hunts down Kâna and Habil and arrests them. They are executed as traitors for warring against the Orb and nearly giving the world into the hands of the Jenoine. A the victory celebration, Zerika gives various commendations, appointing Pel to Prime Minister and raising Morrolan to Duke. However, Khaavren and Pel mourn their dead friends, as their group is now broken. Together with Piro's friends, they take their slain companions to Deathsgate Falls and perform the funeral rites. Afterwards, Khaavren has no strength to resist Piro's forbidden love and allows him to return home.

[edit] Trivia

  • Aerich's encounter with the Teckla squatter at Tazendra's manor is also described in Teckla, though the squatter gives a vastly different account of the event.

[edit] References

  1. ^