Talk:Sergio Fiorentino

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[edit] Possible recording fraud

At this time, there are no known problems with the Fiorentino albums. Before posting speculative claims on this article, please see the Concert Artists and Joyce Hatto articles and talk pages. But if solid evidence should come to light about Fiorentino's work, by all means, add them here. --Otheus Otheus 17:58, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Just for the record: on all accounts it will not be Fiorentino's fault if any of the recordings released under his name by Concert Artist may turn out not to be his work. Besides I consider the headline "Recording Fraud?" in an article about Fiorentino a bit "heavy" because it taints the name of Fiorentino for those with only a limited knowledge of the case.. EL

Right. Can you suggest something more "balanced"?--Otheus 11:45, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Es ist schwer etwas Passendes zu finden, gerade auch für einen Nicht-Muttersprachler im Englischen wie ich es bin. Lassen wir es am besten so wie es ist und hoffen darauf, daß es richtig verstanden wird. EL

I wish my Deutsch-sprachen were that good. But I got the sense of it. I have changed the article, hopefully further removing bias and doubt. --Otheus 13:59, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Sorry, I seem to have mistaken the info from you short bio (Innsbruck, if I recall correctly). I assumed you were Austrian. Well, I think the new "headline" is better, thank you for taking the trouble to change it. May I ask what your particular connection with Fiorentino is?