Servants of Naamah

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In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel Trilogy, the Servants of Naamah are sacred prostitutes of Terre d'Ange. They are revered due to their dedication to the angel Naamah, one of the seven who abandoned the One God to follow Elua.

Servants of Naamah typically begin training at ten, and apprenticeships at thirteen, though this is far stricter in the Night Court than in lesser brothels and in the provinces.

The Servants of Naamah have official priestesses who keep a grand Temple in the City of Elua. The Temple includes a bathing complex, and daily provides a luncheon spread for visitors.

Texts used by Servants of Naamah include the Ecstasica, the Journey of Naamah, the Trois Milles Joies, and the Log of Seven Hundred Kisses.

[edit] Terms Associated with Servants of Naamah

Title given to an adult member of one of the Houses of the Night Court.
Razor blades with so sharp an edge they part flesh like gauze. They are used sometimes in Valerian House and Mandrake House, but even the Second of Valerian shows fear and distaste for them.
Oral sex
The tattoo covering the back of a Servant of Naamah, paid for through gifts given by patrons. When a Servant of Naamah completes his or her marque, he or she is free from obligation either to his or her House if he or she is a member of the Night Court or to whoever owns his or her marque. Each of the Thirteen Houses has its own marque-pattern; Servants of Naamah who are not attached to a House have highly individualized designs. Work on the marque begins at the base of the spine and progresses up to the nape of the neck; it is considered vulgar to display an unfinished marque. Servants of Naamah bear the marque in remembrance of a tale of Naamah, which said that she scored the backs the lovers that pleased her with her nails, and those marks stayed there all their lives.
A highly talented tattoo artist responsible for creating marques; Robert Tielhard is renowned as the greatest.
Pearl of Naamah 
Euphemistic name given to the clitoris.
A color of dye, a red so dark as to be nearly black, which Phèdre calls "the color of blood spilled on a moonless night". The color is reserved by law only for use by an anguissette. Anafiel Delaunay has a sangoire cloack made for Phèdre.
A safeword used during violent loveplay to protect either party from harm; its use is mandatory at Valerian House and Mandrake House.
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