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Spirorbis carbonarius (fossil)
Spirorbis carbonarius (fossil)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Annelida
Class: Polychaeta
Order: Canalipalpata
Suborder: Sabellida
Family: Serpulidae

see text.

Serpulidae is a family of sessile, tube-building annelid worms in the class Polychaeta. The members of this family differ from the sabellid tube worms in that they have a specialized operculum that blocks the entrance of their tubes when they withdraw into the tubes. In addition, serpulids secrete tubes of calcium carbonate and many of them bore into coral or rock before doing so.

[edit] Genus list

  • Amplaria Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Anomalorbis Vine, 1972
  • Apomatus Philippi, 1844
  • Bushiella Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Capeospira Pillai, 1970
  • Chitinopoma Levinsen, 1884
  • Circeis Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Crucigera Benedict, 1887
  • Dexiospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Dextralia Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Ditrupa Berkeley, 1835
  • Eulaeospira Pillai, 1970
  • Ficopomatus Sauthern, 1921
  • Filograna Oken, 1815
  • Filogranella Ben-Eliahu and Dafni, 1979
  • Filogranula Langerhans, 1884
  • Hyalopotamus Marenzeller, 1878
  • Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768
  • Janua Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Josephella Caullery and Mesnil, 1896
  • Leodora Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Metavermilia Bush, 1904
  • Neodexiospira Pillai, 1970
  • Neovermila Day, 1961
  • Nidificaria
  • Paradexiospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Paralaeospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Pileolaria Claparede, 1870
  • Placostegus Philippi, 1844
  • Pomatoceros Philippi, 1844
  • Pomatoleios Pixell, 1912
  • Pomatostegus Schmarda, 1861
  • Protolaeospira Pixell, 1912
  • Protula Risso, 1826
  • Pseudochitinopoma Zibrowius, 1969
  • Pseudovermilia Bush, 1907
  • Salmacina Claparede, 1870
  • Semivermila Imajima, 1978
  • Serpula Linnaeus, 1767 Type genus.
  • Simplicaria Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Spirobranchus Blainville, 1818 The christmas-tree worms. Spirobranchus giganteus is a popular member.
  • Spirorbis Daudin, 1800 See Spirorbis spirorbis.
  • Vermiliopsis Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Vinearia

[edit] Bibliography

  • Ruppert, Edward E.; Richard S. Fox and Robert D. Barnes (2004). Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach,, 7th edition, Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole - Thomson Learning Inc., pp. 963. ISBN 0-03-025982-7. 

[edit] References