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Sermo is an International Auxiliary Language conceptually akin to Interlingua. The idea is to represent Vulgar Latin as it would exist today if it hadn't broken into dialects. The result is a naturalistic language more-or-less set up as a middle ground between the current Romance Languages.


[edit] Grammar

The grammar of Sermo is very similar to Interlingua, but somewhat more complex. Sermo has noun-adjective agreement according to gender and number, while adjectives in Interlingua have no gender or number. The grammar of Sermo is more closely tied to the Romance languages, whereas Interlingua's grammar reflects the West Indo-European languages more generally.

[edit] Alphabet and Pronunciation

Sermo uses 26 letters of the Latin alphabet.

  • A as in father
  • B same as English
  • C /k/ before a, o, u, and /ts/ before e and i;
  • Ch as in Church /tʃ/;
  • D same as English
  • E as in met
  • F always like off, never like of
  • G before a, o, u is 'hard' /g/, before e and i it makes a 'y' sound like yes/j/;
  • Gh is always /g/;
  • Gn same as in French or Italian /nj/ similar to canyon;
  • H same as English
  • I as in Pepsi
  • J as in fjord
  • K same as English
  • L same as English
  • M same as English
  • N same as English
  • O as in no, never as in not
  • P same as in English
  • Qu k
  • R rolled as in Spanish or Italian
  • S as in hiss, never like his
  • Sce and Sci make she, shi;
  • T same as English
  • U like w in the groups "gua", "guo", "qua", "quo";
  • V same as English
  • W same as English;
  • X always /ks/;
  • Y same as i.
  • Z same as English

The stress usually goes on the second-to-last syllable.

[edit] Morphology

The definite articles are la (fem), lo (masc), las (plur fem) and los (plur masc).

The indefinite articles are uno (masc), una (fem), unos (plur masc) and unas (plur fem), just like in Spanish.

Plurals are made by adding an -s, no exceptions.

Adjectives change for gender and number.

[edit] Example

Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)

1. E estava tota la tera de una mesma lingua e de uno mesmo parlar. 2. E adveniva que, partendo ilos desde oriente, trovavan una val in la tera de Sinear; e habitavan ibi. 3. E dicevan unos a los altros: Ece, nos faceremos bricas e las coceremos ben. E ilos usavan bricas in vice de petras e beton in vice de malta. 4. E dicevan: Ece, nos edificaremos una citate e una ture, cuja sumitate tocara los celos e faceremos pro nos uno nome a fin que non estaremos dispersatos supra la facia de la tera.

5. Alora descendeva lo Senior, pro vider la citate e la ture que los filios de los homines edificavan; 6. E diceva lo Senior: Ece que lo populo esta unito. e totos haven una mesma lingua; e si isto esta lo que ilos comencian a facer, alora non havera limites a toto lo que ilos faceran 7. Ergo, descendemos, e confundemos ibi lor lingua, a fin que ilos non comprenden uno la lingua del altro. 8. Asi lo Senior los dispersava supra la superficie de tota la tera e ilos cesavan de edificar la citate. 9. E la ture se apelava Babel, perque ibi lo Senior confundeva la lingua de tota la tera, e de ibi lo Senior los dispersava supra la facia de tota la tera.

[edit] External links

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