Sergio Frusoni

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Sergio Frusoni (also Sérgio Frusoni, born August 10, 1901 on the island of São Vicente, died May 29, 1975) was a poet and promoter of the Capeverdean Crioulo language.


[edit] Biography

Sérgio was the son of Italian immigrants Giuseppe Frusoni and Erminia Bonucci. At the age of 24, he began to work at the Western Telegraph Company and changed later on to Italcable. In 1947, he managed the O Café Sport in Mindelo, the main city of São Vicente, where he presented poems and anecdotes in Crioulo. After that he went back to work for Italcable. In the 1960s, he conducted the theatre group Theatro do Castilho in Mindelo. For a number of years, he was chronicler at the radio Barlavento, where he produced the program Mosaico Mindelense in Crioulo.

Sérgio wrote many short stories and poems in the Creole of São Vicente (Criol d' Soncente). He is quite well known in Cape Verde; unfortunately, he is almost unknown outside the island.

[edit] See also

On June 7, 2005, Capeverdean president Pedro Pires paid homage to Sergio Frusoni and declared him as one of the greatest Crioulo poets.

[edit] Some famous poems and short stories

[edit] Chronicles in Crioulo
  • Mosaico Mindelense ("Mindelense Mosaic")

[edit] Short stories in Crioulo
  • Contrabónde (short story) in Miscelânea luso-africana
  • Na Tribunal
  • Dum Bóca pa ôte
  • Mute convérsa pa nada

[edit] Poems in Crioulo
  • Contrabónde
  • Um vêz Sanvcênt era sábe (morna) - link
  • Pracinha
  • Era um vêz um coquêr
  • Presentaçôm
  • Pa diante ê qu’ê camin
  • Flôr de Béla Sómbra
  • Fonte de nha Sôdade, Lembróme
  • Mnine d' Sanvicente
  • Programa para meninos
  • Marí Matchim
  • Diante de mar de Sanvicente
  • Sanvcênte já cabá na nada
  • Sê Brinque
  • Carta d'Angola
  • Nha Chica
  • Temp d' Canequinha
  • Sonnet in crioulo dedicated to Dr. Francisco Regala

[edit] Poems in English
  • Sonnet

[edit] Poems in Portuguese
  • In Mortis
  • À Sogra
  • Na Hora X
  • A Marmita

[edit] Theatre

[edit] Articles and columns

  • Two poems (crioulo of São Vicente) in the literary journal ´ 'Claridade-Revista de Arte e Letras' no.9-1966: Fonte de nha Sodade' and Tempe Felix
  • Textos Crioulos Cabo-Verdianos, published in the book Miscelânea luso-africana, edited by Marius F. Valkhoff, (1975)
  • Short story Contrabónde in Miscelânea luso-africana
  • A Poética de Sérgio Frusoni: Uma Leitura Antropológica, a collection of Poems in the crioulo of São Vicente with Portuguese translation, collected by Mesquitela Lima, (1992)

[edit] Books

  • Vangêle Contód d'nôs Móda, a translation of Bartolomeo Rossetti's Roman dialect New Testament into the Crioulo of São Vicente (1979)

[edit] External links

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