Sergej Kraigher

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Sergej Kraigher (May 30, 1914January 17, 2001) was a Slovenian politician.

Kraigher was born in Postojna, Slovenia. He rose through the ranks of the Slovenian communist party and became chairman of the people's assembly of Slovenia. He held that position until 1973, and then served as president of the presidency of Slovenia from 1974 to 1981. Following the death of Josep Broz Tito, Kraigher became the Slovenian member of the collective presidency of Yugoslavia and served as President of Yugoslavia from 1981 to 1982. Kreigher is also known as the chairman of Kreigher Commission which was set up by the government of Yugoslavia to advise and give proposals in solving the Yugoslavian economic crisis which started to develop in the early to mid 1980s. The commission report was the basis of a reform package that was to be implemented by the Planinc cabinet but it never happened. He died in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Preceded by
Cvijetin Mijatović
Head of State of Yugoslavia

Sergej Kraigher

Succeeded by
Petar Stambolić

Presidents of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Flag of SFR Yugoslavia
Ribar | Broz | Koliševski | Mijatović | Kraigher | Stambolić | Špiljak | Đuranović | Vlajković | Hasani | Mojsov | Dizdarević | Drnovšek | Jović | Mesić
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