Serge Arcuri

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Serge Arcuri is an electroacoustic music composer born June 10, 1954 in Beauharnois, Québec, Canada, and currently living in Montréal, Canada.


Serge Arcuri studied with Gilles Tremblay at the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal and was awarded his diploma in composition and analysis in 1981. He subsequently studied electroacoustics with Yves Daoust at the Conservatoire, and with Marcelle Deschênes at the Université de Montréal. In 1981, he won the Sir Ernest MacMillan prize from CAPAC (the Canadian performance right society), and has also received awards in two categories of the CBC National Radio Competition for Young Composers. A recipient of numerous grants from both the Canada Council [for the Arts] and the ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec, he has received commissions from several organizations, including the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Association pour la création et la recherche électroacoustiques du Québec (ACREQ), and most recently Vancouver New Music Society (VNMS). He is an Associate Composer of the Canadian Music Centre (CMC).

[edit] Recordings

[edit] List of Works

  • Chronaxie (1984), multiple percussions, and tape
  • Errances (1992), oboe d'amore, harp, and tape
  • Lueurs (1987), French horn, percussion, and tape
  • Murmure (1989)
  • La porte des sables (1989), oboe, English horn, MIDI percussion, and tape
  • Prélude aux méandres (1985)
  • Récifs (1993)
  • Résurgence (1982)

[edit] References

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