Serbian American

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Serbian Americans are citizens of the United States who are of Serbian ancestry. According to the 2000 U.S. census, there are 140,337 Americans of full or partial Serbian descent, in addition to 328,547 persons listing their ancestry as Yugoslavian. Chicago, Illinois, is of particular note for its large Serbian community. Other substantial Serbian-American communities are New York City, Buffalo, New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles as well Southern California by recent Serbian and Bosnian immigration, and Phoenix, Arizona.

The States with the largest Serbian-American populations are: [1]

Pennsylvania   18,316
Illinois 17,893
Ohio 16,859
California 12,760
Indiana 9,238

The communities where the highest percentage of residents claimed Serbian ancestry in the 2000 census were [1]

1. Export, Pennsylvania 6.2
2. Midland, Pennsylvania 5.8
3. Industry, Pennsylvania 4.5
4. Ohioville, Pennsylvania 3.7
5. Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 3.7
6. Schererville, Indiana 3.6
7. Buhl, Minnesota 3.4
8. Greenway Township, Minnesota 3.4
9. Raccoon Township, Pennsylvania 3.0
10. Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 3.0

[edit] Notables

[edit] References

[edit] External links