September 2004

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September 2004 : January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
See also: September 2004 in sports

[edit] Events

< September 2004 >
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[edit] Deaths in September

27 Tsai Wan-lin
24 Françoise Sagan
20 Brian Clough
18 Russ Meyer
15 Johnny Ramone
12 Fred Ebb
11 Peter VII of Alexandria
8 Richard Girnt Butler
7 Gerard Piel
2 Joan Oró
Other recent deaths

[edit] Ongoing events

Ansari X-Prize competition
2004 Atlantic hurricane season
US Presidential Campaign
Bush military service questions
Nader ballot access disputes
Presidential debates
UK Liberal Democrats Convention
USA 9-11 Commission
Same-sex marriage debates
AIDS epidemic
Abu Ghraib investigation
Liberal Party (Canada) funds scandal
Ryanggang (North Korea) explosion

[edit] Ongoing armed conflicts

War on Terrorism
Iraqi resistance
Afghanistan timeline September 2004
Darfur conflict in Sudan
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Conflict in Russia (Chechnya)
Ongoing wars

[edit] Upcoming events

November 20: Jr. Eurovision Song Contest
October 4: SpaceShipOne flight

[edit] Upcoming elections

December 11: Taiwanese legislative
November 2: U.S. President, Congress
October 22: Irish presidential
October 9: Afghan presidential
October 9: Australian legislature
October 3: 2nd round of Serbian local
October 3: Slovenian parliamentary

[edit] Election results in September

20: Indonesia: President
12: Hong Kong: Legislative Council

[edit] Ongoing trials

ICTY: Slobodan Milošević
Iraq: Iraqi Special Tribunal
Saddam Hussein, among others
USA: Scott Peterson
USA: Michael Jackson
USA: Zacarias Moussaoui
Canada: Ripudaman Singh Malik, Ajaib Singh Bagri
Iran: Yazdi, Iranian National Front party head

[edit] Related pages

About this page
Year in...
Wikipedia Announcements

[edit] September 1, 2004

[edit] September 2, 2004

[edit] September 3, 2004

[edit] September 4, 2004

[edit] September 5, 2004

[edit] September 6, 2004

[edit] September 7, 2004

[edit] September 8, 2004

  • Conflict in Russia (Chechnya): Russian President Vladimir Putin's government offers 300 million rubles (USD 10m) for information leading to the arrest of Chechen rebel leaders Shamil Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov. Maskhadov was the last democratically elected leader of Chechnya. (BBC) (Guardian)
  • U.N. officials say a ten-year-old Palestinian girl is in critical condition after being hit by "indiscriminate" gunfire from Israeli forces while sitting in school. Israel alleges that it exchanged fire with militants in the area but says it did not fire at buildings. (UN) (AP) (AFP) (The Scotsman)
  • 2004 U.S. presidential election:
    • The National Board of the Log Cabin Republicans votes 22-2 against endorsing George W. Bush, citing his support for a constitutional amendment to define marriage in the U.S. The LCR is the largest group of gay men and lesbians in the Republican Party. This is the first time in the group's ten-year history that it has not endorsed the Republican candidate for president. (MSNBC)
    • US Democrats and Republicans wrangle over Vice President Dick Cheney's remarks about Democratic candidate John Kerry and terrorism. Cheney originally said, "It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States." The Kerry campaign interpreted this remark as a claim that, if John Kerry was elected, America would be hit by a devastating terrorist attack. The next day, Cheney told the Cincinnati Enquirer, "I did not say if Kerry is elected, we will be hit by a terrorist attack." Democrats contend that Cheney's original statement reveals that Republicans "have consciously adopted a strategy of using Americans' justifiable fear of a future terrorist attack as a political tool." Democratic VP candidate John Edwards says that Cheney's remark shows that he and Bush "will do anything and say anything to save their jobs". (BBC) (The Daily Misleader)
    • CBS News announces the discovery of newly uncovered records of United States President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard. These documents are known as the Killian memos. The Democratic campaign concludes (1) that the records show then Lieutenant Bush disobeyed orders, and (2) that the Bush campaign lied about having made all such records public. (Nashville Tennessean/AP) Within hours, several bloggers question the authenticity of the memos, which prove to be modern forgeries produced with Microsoft Word rather than historic documents made on a typewriter; nevertheless, the documents heightened awareness of facts related tangentially to the memo, including that President Bush avoided duty in Vietnam at a time in which avoidance of such service was both highly in demand and difficult to obtain.
  • A federal judge in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, strikes down the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, citing a lack of an exception to protect the health of the mother. This is the third time the controversial law has been declared unconstitutional by a federal judge within the last month. It is almost assured that the government will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. (
  • Italians outraged by the latest kidnapping in Iraq — of two Italian aid workers — gather to protest outside Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's offices in Rome. (New Zealand Herald)
  • The NASA unmanned spacecraft Genesis crash-lands as its parachute fails to open. The damage to the science instruments and collected samples on board is not yet known. (BBC)

[edit] September 9, 2004

On September 9, 2004, there was an event suspected to be a large explosion in North Korea's second northernmost province of Ryanggang. The nature and cause of the suspected explosion is the subject of speculation. There are many political implications surrounding potential causes and the secrecy of the North Korean government about it.

[edit] September 10, 2004

[edit] September 11, 2004

[edit] September 12, 2004

[edit] September 13, 2004

[edit] September 14, 2004

Sims 2 Released.

    • The center of Hurricane Ivan passes over the Guanahacabibes peninsula on the western tip of Cuba, flooding coastal areas, ripping roofs off houses, and knocking down trees and power lines, but sparing Cuba its worst effects. (Reuters)

[edit] September 15, 2004

(Straits Times) (Reuters) (Resolution requesting representation [PDF])

[edit] September 16, 2004

[edit] September 17, 2004

[edit] September 18, 2004

[edit] September 19, 2004

[edit] September 20, 2004

[edit] September 21, 2004

[edit] September 22, 2004

[edit] September 23, 2004

[edit] September 24, 2004

[edit] September 25, 2004

[edit] September 26, 2004

[edit] September 27, 2004

[edit] September 28, 2004

[edit] September 29, 2004

[edit] September 30, 2004

[edit] News collections and sources

See: Wikipedia:News collections and sources.