Sentou Yousei Yukikaze

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Sentou Yousei Yukikaze
(Battle Fairy Yukikaze)
Genre science fiction
Directed by Masahiko Ohkura
Studio GONZO
No. of episodes 5
Released 28 August 2002[1]

Battle Fairy Yukikaze (戦闘妖精・雪風 Sentō yōsei Yukikaze?) is a 5-episode anime OVA produced by GONZO. It is based on a popular science fiction novel of the same name by Chouhei Kanbayashi.

In North America, the series has been licensed by Bandai Entertainment.

In the UK and France, the series has been licensed by beez Entertainment.


[edit] Background

Several decades in the future, an alien force known as the JAM invades Earth through a dimensional portal that suddenly appears over Antarctica. The United Nations establishes a defense force to oppose the threat and begins battling the alien invaders on a planet called "Fairy" on the other side of the dimensional portal. The main character, Rei Fukai, belongs to the Fairy Air Force (FAF), which is the mainstay of Earth's defense. Piloting the Super Sylph "Yukikaze", an advanced armed tactical reconnaissance plane equipped with a near-sentient AI computer system, he is part of the 5th Division, Special Air Force (SAF). The SAF is responsible for all tactical and strategic reconnaissance operations of the FAF, usually appearing where battles are the fiercest under the order "to bring back intel at all cost, even if it means abandoning allies in distress" and consequently acquiring a defamatory nickname "Grim Reaper". When fear spreads of alien infiltration within the FAF, Yukikaze may be the last hope for humanity to end the war.

[edit] Major characters

Second Lieutenant Fukai Rei
Fukai Rei is a 2nd Lieutenant (later 1st Lieutenant) in the Special Air Force, the reconnaissance unit of Fairy Air Force, assigned as pilot of B-503 "Yukikaze". Diagnosed by Edith Foss as having a tendency toward social rejection, he seldom shows interest in any objects other than B-503 "Yukikaze". Only showed mild interest towards a few characters (excluding "Yukikaze") in the series, namely James Bukhar, Edith Foss and Tom John.
Major James "Jack" Bukhar
Major James "Jack" Bukhar's role was never explained, but it is assumed that he is the commander of 5th Squadron "Boomerang", Special Air Force, to which Fukai and Yukikaze were assigned. He is more frequently called "Jack".
Brigadier General Rydia Cooley
Commander-in-chief of Special Air Force, Cooley was a former investment banker who enlisted in the FAF during the early days of the JAM war. Cunning and careful, Cooley is a skilled player in the FAF's power plays.
Captain Edith Foss
Doctor / Psychiatrist, attached to FAF Special Air Force, possibly a niece of General Rydia Cooley. Responsible for profiling Yukikaze and diagnosing Fukai Rei after his psychological breakdown. She was ordered by General Rydia Cooley to "profile" JAM as a personality.
Lynn Jackson"
Writer / Journalist, author of "The Invaders" a chronicle of FAF's struggle against the JAM.
Colonel Ansel Rombert
Head of FAF Intelligent Division. Wanted to become a part of JAM in order to gain more information about them. After successfully becoming JAM clone, he started a coup on FAF main base.
Yukikaze / "B-3" B-503
Technically not a person, Yukikaze refers to the AI personality of B-3. It never speaks, but it does send messages to Fukai via the display screen or the portable computer screen, and responds to voice commands. The AI seems also capable of reprograming and communicating with nearby compatible computers and systems.

[edit] Synopsis

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Spoiler warning: In addition to plot and/or ending details about Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, such spoilers for each episode follow.

[edit] Episode 1

Voiceover by Lynn Jackson, a book author, explained the history between JAM and Earth, through a portal in Antarctica, and how a battle continues even this day on Fairy.

On planet Fairy, a fierce air battle is taking place between the terran Fairy Air Force (FAF), and the JAM fighters. High above the battle, SAF Super Sylph B-503 (i.e. B-3), piloted by Rei Fukai, and his RIO, observed the battle, and at its conclusion, headed back to base. On the way back, they encountered another Super Sylph, with unknown IFF. B-3's AI first flagged the contact as unknown, then hostile. Rei then opened fire, and downed the other Super Sylph. No wreckage of the other fighter was found, and B-3 was damaged in the close explosion.

While the incident is investigated, Fukai is is temporarily grounded, leaving him very unhappy. His superior, Jack Bukhar, tried to cheer him up with a party, but it didn't work. When B-3 was repaired, Fukai was put back into the cockpit. After observing another air battle, B-3 and Fukai observed JAM used some sort of super missile to wipe out an entire squadron of FAF fighters in a single strike. Then they encountered another unknown Super Sylph. They chased it into a canyon, where it simply vanished into thin air, and multiple super missiles came after them. Fukai was able to evade one, but two more followed it, and the Yukikaze, the B-3's AI, took control, and somehow destroyed one missile with its gun and rode the shock wave to safety.

Back at the base, Jack told Fukai that they are deploying pure-AI fighter, the FRX-99 prototype, with no human in the loop, as the next step in the fight against JAM. Fukai is not happy about the prospects of leaving Yukikaze.

Fukai and B-3 went out on another mission... and never came back. The telemetry simply ceased, and search parties got nothing at all, not even wreckage. Bukhar was desperate. He even offered to pilot a search plane himself, but was overruled by the SAF commanding general.

At a nondescript forward base, in a nondescript room... Fukai was being cared for by a nurse, after throwing up all food, and is too weak to even get up. An officer came in and said that he has informed Fukai's home base that he will be well-cared for. Fukai dimly remembered that they had to land in the desert, and they walked... then nothing else. Later, officer came in and told Fukai that his RIO had died, and that the plane must be repaired.

In the meanwhile, James Bukhar was testing the AI fighter he had shown Fukai earlier, from a radar control plane.

Back at the base, the officer took Fukai out to the B-3... It's been gutted. One engine is missing, pieces of flying surface are missing... pieces of fuselage skin's missing... The officer demands the password to disable the AI... with threat of a pistol. With a surprise attack, Fukai was able to wrestle with the officer, who was clearly NOT human! and killed him. Then the entire world around Fukai started to literally collapse... Fukai jumped into the remains of his Yukikaze and took off... into this collapsing void... And in a blinding flash... He's back on Fairy... with that copycat Super Sylph on his tail.

Elsewhere... Bukhar's AI fighter, FRX-99, suddenly cut all datalink with the control plane, engaged afterburners, and took off.

Fukai regains consciousness. Yukikaze has somehow crash landed in one piece, without killing him, after being shot down by the copycat Super Sylph. The copycat is about to return to finish the job... and was in a diving gun run... when it burst into flames and broke apart. The FRX-99 flew overhead. Yukikaze then managed to transfer itself into FRX-99's computer, then ejected Fukai. FRX-99/Yukikaze then performed a gun run and destroyed the remains of B-3. Now Fukai is all alone... As he collapsed into the sand...

[edit] Episode 2

It is snowing on Fairy, and Jack Bukhar is performing systems check on FRX-00, the revised version of the FRX-99, now the new Yukikaze. A two-person cockpit has been installed with full controls, and the AI was left intact. It also was got a paintjob just like the original Super Sylph Yukikaze. After the check is completed, Yukikaze was launched on its own mission, and Jack Bukhar pushed the catatonic Rei Fukai, in a wheelchair, back into the control center. The brain activity monitor shows that Fukai's brain is almost completely quiet, but his eyes are open, haunted even...

In the control center, the top commanders are observing the maiden flight of purely autonomous AI fighter. Yukikaze joined an air battle and quickly dispatched several JAM fighters dogfighting FAF units. The FAF unit was heading for base TAB-15 when Yukikaze also headed for the base... and switched to ground attack mode. Yukikaze has deemed the landed FAF fighters hostile! However, being an independent AI, it does NOT accept orders while in flight, and the control center watches in horror as a dozen planes were destroyed in blink of an eye... by a friendly unit! In the meanwhile, Rei Fukai somehow got up from his wheelchair, his brain activity spiking, and he started screaming "There! Jam! Don't you see it?!" then he collapsed.

The "failed" test resulted in severe embarrassment for the SAF, but it was chalked up to "accidental discharge" rather than an AI gone rogue. Fukai himself has no memories of those moments in the wheelchair, and he was not cooperative with his psychiatrist/evaluator, Captain Edith Foss. Foss dictated various notes about the state of Fukai. However, she cleared him for flight in exchange for a ride along with Rei Fukai, in a mock dogfight against 2 AI FRX fighters.

In the test, Yukikaze engaged in mock dogfights (no real weapons onboard) with the 2 AI FRX's, and was "killed" three times. Then multiple JAM fighters appeared. Rei chose to take Yukikaze to distract the JAM crafts and save the control plane. However, during the dogfight one of the engines suddenly went offline (sabotage?). Then the 2 AI fighters suddenly took off with autonomous orders to cover Yukikaze (but they are not armed either!) In the fight, one AI plane chose to attract the missiles and focused it on the control plane, while the other kamikazed a JAM, then self-destructed, taking out two more. That leaves two JAM fighter chasing Yukikaze... with only one engine working. Fukai then managed to do an aerial engine restart, and fired enough decoys to distract the diving JAM fighters long enough so that they dove into the ground instead of pulling up in time. Yukikaze returned to base without further incident.

SAF investigation on TAB-15, the base attacked by Yukikaze, shows signs of JAM presence... So perhaps the AI was not mad?

[edit] Episode 3

A flying fortress called Banshee has gone out of contact after shooting down several friendlies. Rei was pulled out of another session with Captain Edith Foss in order to perform a special mission... Find out what happened to Banshee, which is one of only two mobile bases on Fairy, and a very important part of FAF planning.

On Earth, Lynn Jackson was being interviewed by a reporter about her new book, "The Invaders", documenting the conflict between Earth and JAM, but the reporter flat out told her that Earth doesn't care about a conflict fought on some other planet, and her book is suffering horrible sales, and is mostly regarded as a science fiction book, rather than a serious document. However, she is heading to the south seas, to visit a UN carrier which was summoned to guard the Antarctic gateway. She hopes to get more first-hand info there.

As Bukhar and Fukai walked to Yukikaze, Bukhar informed Fukai that the forward base mirage he "escaped" from was an FAF forward base that was destroyed in a surprise raid not too long ago. It is obvious that Fukai has made first contact with the JAM...and the only one ever to live and tell about it. Since then, JAM sabotage had almost brought down the new Yukikaze, and suspicions ran high that JAM has actually infiltrated FAF, though nobody knows how is that possible, since nobody had even seen a JAM in person.

A systems engineer called Tom "Tomahawk" John was sent to accompany Rei on the mission to the Banshee. Captain John was apparently recently recovered after losing his plane in a test flight and slightly wounded. John has an atomic-powered artificial heart due to birth defect and subsequent operation. He also explained that despite his nickname, and his family tradition of being warriors, he's really a coward. However, he IS a genius when it comes to computer systems. They landed on the Banshee without incident, but the entire ship shows NO sign of life, way too quiet. General Cooley of SAF ordered Bukhar and Foss to keep an eye on Fukai, John, and Yukikaze.

Fukai and John made it to the bridge, which is devoid of life. John went to the computer room to try debug the system. Just as he gained access to the system, Banshee turned toward FAF defense perimeter. A SRBM missile will be fired any second that can bring down even the humongous Banshee. Fukai went below deck to investigate... and found that JAM are replicating humans in some sort of tanks! Central computer analysis shows that if JAM were copying humans primary suspects of JAM clones were Fukai and John.

SRBM has been fired, and will reach the Banshee in a few minutes. Fukai went to do the prelaunch, as John connected the Yukikaze to deck power and raised the elevator. When the JAM copy protoplasm flooded the deck, John chose to sent Yukikaze and Fukai up, stranding himself. Yukikaze took off autonomously and reached HQ base safely. It can be inferred that John is a JAM copy that wishes to be human, and made a very human-like sacrifice in the end for his friend.

[edit] Episode 4

Lynn Jackson had a flashback to when she was a child and first heard about the unprovoked JAM attack at Antarctica.

Back to present day, Journalist Lynn Jackson chose to stay with the Japan carrier “Admiral”, which was doing its rotation defending the Gate against any one that may come through.

On the other side of the Gate, FAF was planning a special operation. Instead of conventional bombing on JAM bases, FAF would initiate a ground attack with reinforced armored vehicles “BAX-4”. Ground troops army would be set up, using redundant personnel and pilots that had a previous “shot down” record, gathered under the title of “further training”. At the same time, SAF General Cooley ordered Fukai Rei and James Bukhar to do an engine test on the new B-503's "Super Phoenix Mk. XI" engines in Earth's atmosphere.

During their way to the Gate, Rei and Bukhar had a brief chat on what to do after the war. When the Gate was approaching, Yukikaze identified 3 JAM fighters also going towards the Gate. After emerging on the Earth side, 3 JAM fighters immediately engaged UN fighters in Antarctica and shot down several fighters. Because of JAM attack, B-503 was immediately intercepted by 2 fighters from Japan Navy. In order to engage JAM fighters and assist UN defense, B-503 did a flipping maneuver, ignoring Japan Navy fighters and chase behind JAM.

UN soon realized that JAM fighters were targeting Japan’s latest carrier “Admiral” in kamikaze style. Japanese cruisers and destroyers immediately moved into position, shielding Admiral from JAM attack. B-503 made full use of the new engine and caught up with the JAM fighter and shot it down with anti-air missile before it crashed into Admiral. With its fuel almost used up, B-503 requested landing on Admiral and refueling under International Agreement.

Once landed, Rei and Bukhar were handled by officials in unfriendly manner. Bukhar was escorted by armed soldiers to meet Japan Navy officer, while Rei had a chat with Lynn Jackson.

Eventually, B-503 was refueled and ready to return to Fairy. Once through the Gate, Bukhar and Rei was making their way back to FAF base when Yukikaze gave Rei a warning message. Soon afterward, B-503 was dragged again into Unknowable War Zone by JAM. A FAF fighter emerged from the cloud. Through the cockpit window, Rei immediately recognized the fighter was Gray Sylph, JAM clone of FAF Super Sylph; and the pilot was the clone of Rei himself.

[edit] Episode 5

The timeline of episode 5 followed immediately from the previous episode. Rei and Bukhar on B-503 confronted Rei Clone and Gray Sylph inside Unknowable War Zone near the Gate on Fairy side. Yukikaze, knowing that JAM intended to capture Rei and itself alive, took control from Rei and Bukhar and fire one AAM, which was targeting not Gray Sylph but Yukikaze itself. When Bukhar tried to auto-detonate the missile, Rei stopped him and explained that Yukikaze was “struggling with JAM”, and he would rather “self-destruct with Yukikaze together”. Split second before the missile struck B-503 head-on, JAM gave them up and released them from Unknowable War Zone, and B-503 was now flying in the Fairy sky alone.

After having a party, Bukhar was making a wooden boomerang with Rei sitting next to him watching. When Bukhar finished his boomerang, the room turned dark and he found himself standing inside an empty prison cell. The cell door slowly cracked open.

Sitting in his briefing room, Bukhar was awakened from his dream by intercom, requesting him to meet General Cooley. At the mean time, Rei and Foss were accompanying Yukikaze on the way to take-off runway, finishing the next mission check. After doing a psychological analysis on Yukikaze, Foss commented that it was very disturbed with the unknown mission objective. Understanding this, Rei gave a series of commands to Yukikaze through voice recognition. Yukikaze response immediately and completed the mission check.

Bukhar and General Cooley, along with Lieutenant General Ramdo and Major General Lemburol from Intelligent Division, had a tea meeting out on the lawn of the main Fairy base. Joined by Rei and Foss, under the surveillance of Yukikaze, Cooley explained that this was the perfect opportunity to understand why the two Generals would allow and do nothing to prevent Ansel Rombart to start a coup. Meanwhile, soldiers were sabotaging FAF, causing large-scale system down and bombing.

Lieutenant General Ramdo replied Cooley’s accusation by explaining that Ansel Rombart always wanted to become JAM Clone. It was because in order to acquire information from the enemy, one must penetrate deep inside of them. If JAM cloning strategy was to have a deeper understanding of human, then Ansel Rombart’s action was the exact vice versa. At the same time, BAX-4 armored vehicles began their descend from the sky-train tracks, dropping on and crushing into civilian building and infrastructure, starting an all-round massacre.

Meanwhile, a dozen of JAM fighters attacked FAF base and was confronted by unmanned FAF fighters. During the battle, a JAM fighter was shot down and crashed into the tea-meeting site on the lawn. In the midst of fire, Ramdo commented, “It was time for FAF base to be obliterated.” Rei then gave instruction to Yukikaze to erase invalid part of the data, return to underground hanger and await his further instruction. In response to this, Yukikaze terminated the holographic presentation of the tea meeting on the lawn and all dead civilians in the FAF base. It was revealed that the tea meeting was actually taking place on an aircraft, escorted by several FAF fighters. The group then approached FAF aerial carrier Banshee III, which was flying together with the whole FAF air force toward the Gate.

Rombart embarked into the city. When he inspected the progress of the coup, he realized the holographic “corpse” on the ground. Rombart immediately returned back to the armored vehicle and located the source of the hologram, which was in Boomerang squad hanger, identified as B-503 “Yukikaze”. A squad was immediately sent to the hanger, just to find B-503, with its sense-jammer activated, took-off by VTOL rocket and escaped through the ventilation shaft into the underground city. The action of Yukikaze was to fool JAM and allow FAF air force to buy enough time to escape through the Gate to Earth.

Ansel Rombart, after realizing the true purpose behind his coup and the hologram, contact Banshee III explaining that the whole conflict between JAM and humanity was just part of JAM’s calculation, and urge FAF to continue the fight as long as JAM’s lust for knowledge had not been satisfied yet. Then he fire a pistol shot through his left arm, trying to confuse JAM’s calculation. Moments later, B-503 deployed a high-drag Fuel-Air Explosive (FAE) bomb over the city, wiping out all the clone soldiers and the FAF base, completing its mission.

Cooley, Ramdo and Foss then gather in Banshee III discussing the escape plan. FAF air force would escape through the Gate, and then 3 nuclear bombs, carried by unmanned fighters “Flip-Knights”, will be set off around the Gate in Fairy side, destroying the Gate. In replying Foss’ question of not destroying the Gate any sooner, Ramdo explained it was because of human lust for knowledge and understanding of Fairy. However, it was revealed that the whole Fairy was an illusion construct by JAM. Instead of seemingly rich vegetation and Earth-like environment, Fairy was actually covered with bare rock and lifeless landscape. Ramdo suggested that “this planet might be JAM itself.”

Upon landing on the Banshee III, B-503 was taxied into a corner and locked down by Ramdo, claiming “only data on B-503 will compensate those died in this conflict.” Cooley, realizing JAM was obsessed about Rei and Yukikaze, contacted Bukhar and ordered Yukikaze to take-off immediately. Reluctantly, Bukhar gave the order to Rei. Outside Banshee III, FAF and JAM battle continued, and Banshee III issued DEFCON 1 in response to JAM’s attack. Boomerang squad identified a new type of JAM fighter, which interfere FAF unmanned air fighters, causing friendly fire within FAF air force.

Upon approaching the Gate, JAM dragged the whole FAF fleet into Unknowable War Zone and unleashed massive reinforcement. In the battle, “Carrier-1” carrying 3 nuclear bombs was shot down. Under remote control by outside source, Flip-Knight System was activated and the 3 Flip-Knights were launched. In the midst of chaos, Banshee III take-off deck was opened under remote control, and Yukikaze took off from Banshee III, flying into Unknowable War Zone for the third time. On the deck, Ramdo questioned B-503’s scramble, and Cooley replied B-503 was the only weapon against JAM and the only hope for FAF survival. As Yukikaze, now accompanied by 3 Flip-Knights, battled through JAM, Foss further explained that Rei and Yukikaze was now a “blend life-form”, and perfect fusion of computer and humanity by mutual realization, understanding, and acceptance. This was also the reason why JAM was obsessed with them.

Shortly afterward, Yukikaze cleared all JAM between Banshee III and the Gate. When Banshee III reached the Gate, Bukhar issued his last order to Rei to RTB (return to base), and Rei responded by a nod before detonating the nuclear bomb.

Some time later, Lynn Jackson was interviewing Jack Bukhar at his farm on Earth. Bukhar believed that Rei was still living somewhere. After their parting, Jackson narrated the successful escape of FAF air force to Earth and the countless deaths and those who were missing in action. As she drove away, Jackson saw Rei on the hill watching Jack playing with his boomerang, through her rear-view mirror. She stopped her car and looked back towards the hill, only found Jack waving at her and Rei was nowhere to be seen.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] FAF Aircraft

[edit] FFR-31 Sylphid


Standard air-superiority fighter of the FAF, being a twin-engined stealthy design featuring canard foreplanes in addition to a conventional layout similar to that of the F-22A Raptor. It is capable of a cruising speed of Mach 1.4, a maximum speed of Mach 2.7, and a service ceiling of 18,800m. Its armaments include a 20mm Vulcan cannon, an internal bay housing up to seven air-to-air missiles, and one hardpoint for jettisonable fuel tank outside of each powerplant compartment.

When first deployed, the Sylphid was effective in anti-JAM operations, but it has been continuously upgraded with flight and avionics upgrades, including increasing the surface area of the control surface, reducing the friction of the turbine blades, and modifying flight software. These upgrades were called "Syphlid Enhancement Experiments", known in FAF shorthand as SEEX, and plans were made for a 12-step upgrade path of Block 0 to Block 12, though in the end, only 9 upgrades were implemented and three Blocks produced (though some upgrades may have been merged). The first deployment of Block 0-10 aircraft was only 94 units, due to the high cost of production (this includes RDT&E and OPEVAL prototypes); at the most, only 49 airframes were deployed into combat by the FAF's 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing (with the result that except for the 526th Tactical Fighter Squadron, "Ghoul", Sylphid squadrons are not famous, as they are so rare). Because of this aircraft shortage, 113 airframes of the Block 20 standard were produced and subsequently deployed.

There are three main Sylphid variants, Block 0, Block 10, and Block 20. Block 0 & Block 10 conform to the original 94 airframes built. Block 20 Sylphids are the current deployed model, and are unpopular with many pilots, who cite the decreased maneuverability as an inherent weakness in the aircraft; among Ghoul Squadron, the Block 0 is known as the "Original Sylphid", held to be superior to the Block 20, which was built with cheaper materials to lower costs, resulting is lower turn stress, and thus, inferior dogfighting capabilities.

  • Accommodation: One
  • Length: 18.80 meters
  • Wingspan: 13.77 meters
  • Height: 5.01 meters
  • Weight: standard takeoff weight 11, 876 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 35, 660 kilograms
  • Powerplant type: FNX-5010-H/J Phoenix Mk X turbofan x 2
  • Powerplant output: 9, 677 kilograms; afterburner 12, 644 kilograms
  • Speed:
    • Cruise Speed: Mach 1.4 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
    • Maximum Speed: Mach 2.7 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
  • Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G +
  • Maximum Altitude: 18, 000 meters
  • Armament: 20 mm Vulcan Gun x 1; internal hardpoint x 7; external hardpoint x 2 (usually for drop-tanks)
  • Known Squadrons: Ghoul

[edit] FA-1 Fawn


Standard tactical fighter of the FAF, externally similar to a hybrid of a F-16-style fuselage with the control surfaces arrangement of the Su-47. Originally the FAF's principle air combat aircraft at the early stages of the Human-JAM war, the type has since been relegated to fighter-bomber and air defense suppression roles after the introduction of the FFR-31. Its armaments include a 20mm Vulcan cannon, four hardpoints under the wings, and three hardpoints under the fuselage.

The FA-1 Fawn was a prototype aircraft that was quickly pressed into service once the FAF began its invasion of Fairy. It is a 3-surface plane, with canards and horizontal stabilizers. A vertical canard is placed under the nose and on the back to control the aircraft's sideways movement. The main wings and canards are given a slight "bend", making the fighter controllable when in sideways flight. With its 3D thrust-vectoring and many flight surfaces, the Fawn was considered to be extremely maneuverable while in development; according to veteran pilots, it was the first human fighter that could compete with JAM aircraft.

Shortly after combat deployment of the FA-1 on Fairy, the FAF deployed the FA-1B, a newer version with an elongated fuselage to accommodate more fuel and extra avionics space; despite this, the Fawn's period of air superiority over the skies of Fairy was short and limited, ending after newer, more maneuverable versions of JAM fighters appeared (which prompted the development of the FFR-31 Sylphid to counter these threats). After the FFR-31 was designated as the FAF's principal air-to-air interceptor, the FA-1B was relegated to fighter-bomber duties; however, it is still used in the air superiority role by a number of fighter squadrons, as budgetary restrictions have limited the numbers of active Sylphids. An unknown number of FA-1C twin-seater trainers have been modified by the FAF to attack JAM anti-aircraft and radar facilities in the Wild Weasel role: these were designated FA-1C (SEAD), and commonly known as "Fairy Weasels".

Counting the FA-1A/B single-seater and and FA-1C/D twin-seater trainers, roughly 1024 Fawns were produced, with almost half of them serving in various squadrons in Tactical Fighter Wings.


  • Accommodation: One
  • Length: 16.45 meters
  • Wingspan: 11.56 meters
  • Height: 4.83 meters
  • Weight: empty weight 11, 876 kilograms; standard mission weight 16, 662 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 24, 669 kilograms
  • Powerplant type: FNX-5010-K turbofan x1
  • Powerplant output: 8, 221 kilograms; afterburner 12, 877 kilograms
  • Speed:
    • Cruise Speed: Mach 0.8 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
    • Maximum Speed: Mach 2.1 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
  • Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G
  • Maximum altitude: 17, 700 meters
  • Armament: 20 mm Vulcan Gun x 1; hardpoint x 7 (4 underwing, 3 fuselage) for up to 5, 800 kilograms
  • Known Squadons: Kraken, Brack, Harpy

[edit] FFR-31MR/(B/C) Super Sylph

Tactical reconnaissance aircraft used by the Special Air Force elements within the FAF. For all intents and purposes an entirely different aircraft from the Sylphid, it adopted FFR-31 designation to facilitate funding from Earth. It is capable of a cruising speed of Mach 1.65, a maximum speed of Mach 3, and a service ceiling of 23,300m. Its equipment includes a 20mm Vulcan cannon, two twin hardpoints under the wings, two hardpoints under the fuselage, and a comprehensive TARPS (Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance Pod System) consisting of various optical and electronic surveillance systems. Due to SAF's infamous doctrine of returning with gathered intelligence at all cost, none have been lost to enemy fire.

  • Accommodation: Two
  • Length: 22.2 meters
  • Wingspan: 14.65 meters
  • Height: 5.65 meters; with TARPS system "element" sensor blade activated 11.94 meters
  • Weight: empty weight 11, 706 kilograms; standard mission takeoff weight 23, 700 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 35, 242 kilograms
  • Powerplant type: FNX-5011-B/C Phoenix Mk XI B/C turbojet x 2
  • Powerplant output: 10, 180 kilograms; afterburner 13, 910 kilograms
  • Speed:
    • Cruise Speed: Mach 1.65 (altitude 16, 000 meters)
    • Maximum Speed: Mach 3.0 (altitude 16, 000 meters)
  • Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G +
  • Maximum Altitude: 23, 300 meters
  • Armament: 20 mm vulcan gun x 1, with 1, 550 rounds; hardpoint x 4
  • Equipment: TARPS = front side angle of skew camera, the vertical camera and the infrared ray picture camera, infrared ray line scan, the conformal phased array multiple band ESM sensor blade and the imaging radar etc.; Real time digital data link.

[edit] FFR-31MR/D Super Sylph


Improved version of FFR-31MR featuring new engines with a "Ramjet" mode for better speed and high-altitude performance. One such aircraft is equipped with a near-sentient AI computer system, "Yukikaze" (the aircraft therefore adopts the name as well), and assigned to Rei Fukai.

  • Accommodation: Two
  • Length: 22.2 meters
  • Wingspan: 14.65 meters
  • Height: 5.65 meters; with TARPS system "element" sensor blade activated 11.94 meters
  • Weight: empty weight 11, 706 kilograms; standard mission takeoff weight 23, 700 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 35, 242 kilograms
  • Powerplant type: FNX-5011-B/C Phoenix Mk XI B/C turbojet x 2
  • Powerplant output: 10, 180 kilograms; afterburner 13, 910 kilograms
  • Speed:
    • Cruise Speed: Mach 1.65 (altitude 16, 000 meters)
    • Maximum Speed: Mach 3.0 (altitude 16, 000 meters)
  • Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G +
  • Maximum Altitude: 23, 300 meters
  • Armament: 20 mm vulcan gun x 1, with 1, 550 rounds; hardpoint x 4
  • Equipment: TARPS = front side angle of skew camera, the vertical camera and the infrared ray picture camera, infrared ray line scan, the conformal phased array multiple band ESM sensor blade and the imaging radar etc.; Real time digital data link; Yukikaze AI system.

[edit] FFR-41MR/FRX-00 Mave

UAV prototype designed to replace the Super Sylph and human pilots for tactical reconnaissance, during a test flight, the Yukikaze AI is transferred to the FRX-00. In order to control this AI, a cockpit and limiters were installed for human use. Its equipment consist of a 20 mm Vulcan cannon , 6 hardpoints, (2 in the rear fuselage and 4 in the wings) and one hardpoint for jettisonable fuel tank under the fuselage.

  • Accommodation: Two (FFR-41); Zero (FRX-00)
  • Length: 18.0 meters
  • Wingspan: 14.52 meters
  • Height: 6.28 meters
  • Weight: standard takeoff weight 11, 860 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 34, 220 kilograms
  • Powerplant type: FNX-5011-D-20 Phoenix Mk XI turbofan x 2, later refitted with FNX-5011-D[VC] x 2
  • Powerplant output: 10, 220 kilograms; afterburner 14, 930 kilograms
  • Speed:
    • Cruise Speed: Mach 1.75 (altitude 17, 700 meters)
    • Maximum Speed: Mach 3.3 (altitude 17, 700 meters)
  • Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G +
  • Maximum altitude: 24, 800 meters
  • Armament: 20 mm Vulcan cannon x 1; hardpoint x 5

[edit] DVD Releases

The series spans 5 episodes, with the 5th part released in August 2005 in Japan.

A set of 3 DVDs are planned to be released in the West. Named just Yukikaze overseas, the first DVD of the series was released internationally in 2004.

Yukikaze Vol 1: Danger Zone - January 2004 (Episodes 1 & 2)
Yukikaze Vol 2: Fog of War - December 2005 (Episodes 3 & 4)
Yukikaze Vol 3: Evacuation - 11 July, 2006 (Episode 5)

The U.S. release of Vol. 3 contains a variety of extra features (such as the Japanese promo spots, voice actor and director interviews) to make up for the empty space left on the DVD due to there being only a single episode on the disc and the fact that volume 2's only extra was DTS sound. However, this final volume still lacks the series' half-hour comedy spin-off OAV, "Sentou Yosei Shoujo Tasukete! Mave-chan" (戦闘妖精少女 たすけて!メイヴちゃん), which, though licensed by Bandai Entertainment and, by a claim in a letter to an AnimeOnDVD member, will be released separately, there has been no further announcement. It is not clear, to fans at least, if this will ever be followed up, as there is very little in the way of extras (on the Japanese version) or actual reason to release a single volume of one half-hour episode, though, it was shown with an English dub at Bandai's 2006 Otakon presentation.

[edit] Trivia

  • When designing the futuristic aircraft for Yukikaze, the mecha designers said that they sketched out designs they knew to be "wrong" (aerodynamically unsound), and expanded and completed the designs that were wrong in the most interesting ways.
  • A Yukikaze video game was released for the Xbox exclusively in Japan.
  • Eventually, a PC version of the Xbox Yukikaze was released also exclusively in Japan.
  • The canyon dogfight in the first episode bares a remarkable resemblance to a scene from the latter half of Clint Eastwood's Firefox and may be a tribute.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Sentou Yousei Yukikaze at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia. Accessed 2006-12-04.

[edit] External links

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