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Sendaria is the land of the Sendar people in the Belgariad and Mallorean series by David Eddings. It was formed in large part from the Arendish duchy of Erat as well as parts of Wacune through the actions of Polgara in order to protect the people from that country's civil war. Sendaria lies south of the Gulf of Cherek and east of Riva across the Sea of the Winds. It is bordered on the east by Algaria and on the south by Arendia.

The culture of Sendaria resembles medieval England. The people respect hard work and common sense practicality. Sendars pay homage to all seven gods equally.

Though Sendaria lacks military power, its agricultral economy and status as a breadbasket nation makes it a valuable ally in time of war. Its rough-and-tumble street-brawling carters are feared by many soldiers of other nations, who have learned not annoy one too much.

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