Talk:Semantic spectrum

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Please can you state the source for this usage of "semantic spectrum?" Googling for the exact phrase finds plenty of use in the context of linguistics, and, as far as I can see in a few pages of searching, no references in relation to computing in the exact sense the article describes. -- Karada 00:16, 4 August 2005 (UTC)

This is a good question. I am looking for the source now. I attended the Semantic Technologies conference in March of 2005 and it was use there a great deal of discussion about it. Clearly a buzword with the need for a formal definition. The first reference I can find was at the AAAI 1999 Ontologies Panel. I will cite that and other references to it. -- Dan McCreary

Shouldnt URLs (Unique/Universal Resource Locator) in this context be URIs (Unique/Universal Resource Identifier)? Zarutian 00:13, 7 February 2006 (UTC)