Seltorian Tribunal (Star Fleet Universe)

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Seltorian Tribunal
Seltorian Suzerainty
(government in control of M81)
Seltorian Tribunal
Seltorian Tribunal
Founded: c. Y-117
Known Species: Seltorians
Affiliation: Coalition (Co-belligerent), former vassals of the Tholian Will

In the fictional Star Fleet Universe, the Seltorians are natives of the M81 galaxy, former home of the Tholian Will, who sent forces in pursuit of the Tholians who had arrived in the Milky Way Galaxy. Their forces are detailed in Star Fleet Battles Module C3, and will be included in the upcoming Federation Commander: Tholian Attack module.

Part of the article series on
Star Fleet Universe
Star Fleet Battles
Federation Commander
Federation and Empire
Prime Directive (role-playing game)
Star Fleet Battle Force
General War (game)
Star Trek: Starfleet Command
Star Trek Starfleet Command II: Empires at War
Star Trek Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates
Starline 2400
Captain's Log
Star Fleet Universe
Alpha Octant
Federation Kzintis Hydrans Gorns Tholians
Klingons Lyrans Romulans Seltorians
Unaligned (Alpha)
Orion Pirates Interstellar Concordium WYN LDR
Vudar Jindarians Carnivons Paravians
Andromedan Invaders
Omega Octant
Small Magellanic Cloud
Xorkaelian Empire
Ship Class Types
Capital Weapons
Early Years
General War


[edit] Racial characteristics

The Seltorians are an insectoid race, able to walk upright. They are generally divided into four classes.

The Queens lay the eggs and are generally long lived, but are bloated and not very intelligent.
Rams are males of breeding age who die after mating with a Queen.
Sages are males who failed to mate in time, becoming sterile, but long-lived and more intelligent. They are the leaders and thinkers of the race.
Workers are sterile females of relatively short lifespan. Not very intelligent or imaginative, but able to be taught a job from shortly after birth, they are the backbone of the Seltorian labour force and make up the majority of most ship crews.
Experts are those few Workers who live to the same age as Sages, and become specialists in their chosen field.

It should be noted that while the Seltorians were able to operate together as ship crews very well, individuals were not suited as pilots of the one-man fighters sold to them by the Klingons, but instead used Klingon mercenaries in that role.

[edit] Location

The Seltorians are natives (and masters) of the M81 Galaxy (Also known as Bode's Galaxy), along with the Tholians, the Bolosco and other races in the Star Fleet Universe. Until the forthcoming Tholian sourcebook for the Prime Directive RPG is released, little other information of the origins of the Seltorians has been revealed.

[edit] Starships

Seltorian starships were designed initially to act as enforcers of the Tholian Will. Their ships are built to a standardised pattern, based on the use of a number of boom sections (usually with warp nacelles attached) connected to one of a range of larger rear hull modules. For example, the Seltorian Light and Heavy Cruisers use the same rear hull, but while the larger ship has two forward booms, the smaller has only one. This pattern is repeated in the divide between Dreadnought and Heavy Battlecruiser, as well as Destroyer and Frigate.

Seltorian ships were initially equipped with Phasers, Shield Crackers and Tholian Particle Cannons in order to engage rebel or pirate starships. After the development of the Web Breaker (which was still usable as a Shield Cracker against non-Tholian foes) these useful weapons were fitted to almost every Seltorian ship or base in M81, and served the Seltorians well when the Hive Ship was sent to the Milky Way.

[edit] History

Seltorian Revolt and Tribunal
Date Y-117 (M81), Y182-186 (Alpha Octant)
Location M81 Galaxy, at least one known satellite galaxy of M81, Milky Way Galaxy (Alpha Octant only)
Result Seltorian victory (M81), Tholian/ISC victory (Milky Way)
Seltorian uprising against Tholian Will (M81), Tribunal fleet pursuit of Tholian Holdfast (Milky Way)
The Seltorians (M81 and Milky Way), the Klingon Empire (co-belligerents in the Milky Way) The Tholian Will (M81), the Tholian Holdfast and Interstellar Concordium (Milky Way)
Brzk'Girn (commander of the Tribunal force in Y184) unknown

[edit] Pre-Revolt

The Tholians used a succession of 'subject races' to do some of the day to day handling of their empire, such as boarding ships crewed by those other than Tholians (who required heavy environmental suits). Over the years, a number of 'favored subjects' had existed, and each had attempted to rise up, only to be slapped down.

The insectoid Seltorians would be an exception. The Tholians had armed their subjects with Shield Crackers which could knock down the shields of renegade ships without damaging valuable Tholian Will property. While the Seltorians had a fleet nearly the size of the Tholians themselves, they were confident of their security due to the power of the Web. They were not expecting Seltorian scientists to turn their weapon into the Web Breaker.

[edit] The Revolution

Armed with their new advantage, along with their natural breeding rate and shipbuilding capability, the Seltorians were able to successfully overthrow the Tholians, hunting them down wherever they could find them. Several groups of Tholians packed everything they could and fled their native galaxy, one group arriving in the Milky Way.

[edit] The Tribunal

The Seltorians decided to follow these refugees, and eventually launched their own task groups to follow. At the height of the General War, one Hive Ship (basically a mobile base capable of building Seltorian ships) arrived in Klingon space, and were quickly pointed at their enemy. The Klingons, happy to have help against the Tholians, provided material and technological support to the Seltorians who happily threw themselves against their former masters.

[edit] ISC intervention

Quickly, the Tholians and Seltorians became a separate sideline to the General War, with their fighting lasting beyond the armistice in Y185. The ISC noted the continued fighting during their Pacification Campaign and intervened. Upon concluding that the Seltorians were the aggressors, they launched the Echelon of Judgement against the Hive ship, succeeding in destroying it. The surviving Seltorian fleet fled to the Klingons, who turned on their allies, not wishing to have the quickly breeding race loose in their own territory.

So far, no subsequent Seltorian arrivals in the Milky Way have been documented.

[edit] References

  • GURPS Prime Directive, 4th Edition
  • Star Fleet Battles Module C3: New Worlds III