Self-steering gear

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A tiller-pilot on a sailing boat - simple electronic self-steering.
A tiller-pilot on a sailing boat - simple electronic self-steering.

Self-steering gear is equipment used on ships and boats to maintain a chosen course without constant human action. It is also known by several other terms, such as autopilot (borrowed from aircraft and considered incorrect by some) and Autohelm (technically a Raymarine trademark, but often used generically). Several forms of self-steering gear exist, divided into two categories:

[edit] Electronic

Electronic self-steering is controlled by electronics operating according to one or more input sensors, invariably at least a magnetic compass and sometimes wind direction or GPS position versus a chosen waypoint. The electronics module calculates the required steering movement and a drive mechanism (usually electrical, though possibly hydraulic in larger systems) causes the rudder to move accordingly.

There are several possibilities for the interface between the drive mechanism and the conventional steering system. On yachts, the three most common systems are:

  1. Direct drive, in which an actuator is attached to the steering quadrant, at the top of the rudder stock inside the boat. This is the least intrusive method of installation.
  2. Wheel mounting, in which a motor is mounted near the steering wheel, and can be engaged with it when in use. This typically involves either a belt drive or a toothed gear-ring attached to the wheel itself, and is a common option for retro-fitted installations on yachts with a wheel.
  3. Tiller-pilots are usually the only option on smaller vessels steered with a tiller. They consist of an electrically driven ram which is mounted between the tiller and a fitting on the side of the cockpit. Some are entirely self-contained, needing only a power supply, while others have the control unit separate from the actuator.

Depending on the sophistication of the control unit, electronic self-steering gear can be programmed to hold a certain compass course, to maintain a certain angle to the wind (so that sailing boats need not change their sail trim), to steer towards a certain position, or any other function which can reasonably be defined. However, the amount of power required by electrical actuators, especially if constantly in action because of sea and weather conditions, is a serious consideration. Long-distance cruisers, who have no external source of electricity and often do not run their engines for propulsion, typically have relatively strict power budgets and do not use electrical steering for any length of time.

[edit] Mechanical

Mechanical or "windvane" self-steering (introduced by Herbert "Blondie" Hasler) uses power derived from the motion of the boat through the water to hold a constant angle to the wind. Offshore, the wind direction is relatively stable, so over a number of hours this results in a reasonably constant compass course, and of course means that the sails need not be adjusted. Mechanical self-steering can be complicated to set up, so it is typically used only for long-distance sailing where the same course is maintained for long periods. Many boats fitted with mechanical self-steering also carry an electrical autohelm for use over shorter periods where it is not worth setting up the windvane.

Mechanical self-steering gear is made by a number of manufacturers, but most share the same principle. A narrow upright board, the windvane, is rotated so that with the boat travelling in the desired direction it is edge-on to the wind. The windvane is held upright by a small weight below the pivot, but if the boat turns so that the board is no longer edge-on to the wind it will be blown over to one side as the extra surface area is revealed. This movement is transmitted by a series of linkages to a second blade in the water. In the simplest devices for very small boats, this blade acts directly as a secondary rudder, and steers the boat back onto the proper course. The force provided by the windvane, however, is not sufficient to make this system work with larger loads, and hence a so-called servo system is used:

As the blade described above turns, the pressure of water moving past it causes it to swing out sideways on the end of a pivoted rod. The length of this rod and the speed of the water means that a considerable force is available at the top end of it, sufficient to change the course of much larger boats. This is achieved either by a connection to the main wheel or tiller (typically involving a complex arrangement of lines and blocks rigged around the stern of the boat) or by fixing the main steering in place and equipping the self-steering gear with its own rudder. Once the boat has moved back to its correct course, the windvane stands up again as it is no longer blown over by the wind.

If the sails are trimmed correctly and the device is properly set up, windvane self-steering is very effective. Some experimentation and judgement is usually needed, however, to determine the proper settings for a given vessel and steering mechanism. In addition, windvanes perform poorly in very light winds, as the forces needed to operate them are much reduced. The same applies when travelling downwind, as the apparent windspeed is reduced by the speed of the boat.

As well as their requirement for power, many long-distance cruisers observe that electronic self-steering machinery is complex and unlikely to be repairable without spare parts in remote areas. By contrast, the often agricultural-looking mechanism of a windvane gear offers at least the possibility of an improvised repair at sea, and can usually be rebuilt on land using non-specific parts (sometimes plumbing parts) by a local welder or machinist.

The topic of single handed sailors sleeping and hence not maintaining a 'proper watch for safe navigation' continues to be much discussed. Although this practice appears to be in contravention of maritime law, there has so far been no attempt to prevent it. A pragmatic approach is that such individuals are at least endangering only themselves, since the large cargo vessels that may collide with them while they are asleep typically are not even aware that they have hit something. In addition, radar alarms and the sheer vastness of the ocean mean that the problem is more one of theory than of practice.

[edit] Manufacturers of Electronic Self-Steering gear

Raymarine Marine Electronics - Most prolific manufacturer of self-steering systems. Official Website

Alpha Marine Systems - Maker of the "3000" and "Spectra" product lines, specially designed for offshore and sail-racing yachts.