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Selaphiel or Sealtiel (Aramaic צלתיאל Tzelathiel "Prayer of God", Heb. שאלתיאל Shealtiel), appears in 3 Esdras 5:16, and is sometimes identified with Salathiel from the Second Book of Esdras. He is one of the seven archangels in Eastern Orthodox tradition.[1] When depicted in iconography by himself or with individual characteristics, he is shown in an attitude of humble prayer, with downcast eyes and arms crossed over his breast.[2] Prayer is considered his special attribute,[3] and Orthodox Christians will seek his help if their prayer is suffering from distractions, inattentiveness, or coldness.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Names and Ranks of Angels
  2. ^ The heavenly host and our modern life
  3. ^ The rational heavenly powers

[edit] See also