Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman

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Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, STAR
Current Principal Tuan Haji Jamaluddin b. Hj Mohd Yusoff
School type Public boarding school
Establishment 1957
Location Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
School Motto Ilmu Panduan Hidup


[edit] History

Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (or more commonly known as STAR) is a public fully-residential school in Malaysia. Named after the first King of Malaysia, Almarhum Seri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Abdul Rahman, it is located in Ipoh, Perak. The school initially started at an army camp in Baeza Avenue (now known as Jalan Hospital). Formerly known as Malay Secondary School, this all-boys school was built by the Malayan government in 1957 to uplift the educational status of Malays in Malaya.

[edit] House Spirit

Currently students from form 1 to form 5 attend STAR. Previously there were classes up to form 6, but later the ministry of education only allowed up to form 5 for the boarding school. Originally, students were accommodated in hostels based on their "houses". These houses are designated with colours. There are 6 house colours, which are Rumah Hijau (Green House), Rumah Biru (Blue House), Rumah Hitam (Black House), Rumah Merah (Red House), Rumah Putih (White House), Rumah Kuning (Yellow House) to identify their affiliations for competitive purposes (sports, competitions).

Currently students are grouped together in dormitories according to houses but not in the original blocks. The old Green House block was converted into a library and the old Yellow House Block into a store.

Recently,the houses are called by nicknames such as Royal Blue(Hidup Royal Blue!!!), Green Grinds, Black Kingdom, Red Rouser, White Vigour and Yellow Legion though these nicknames are quite fluid and evolve from time to time. For example, in the past Green went by the nickname Evergreen, Yellow by Yellow Dragon, Black by Black Label, and others.

[edit] Routine

Classes, self-study, activities for clubs and societies, games and physical exercises were mandatory for every student according to the allotted days and times. The boys daily life was “ruled by the siren”. It would start with a wake-up siren at 5.30 in the morning, followed by the sound of familiar voice (the warden) waking us for the Subuh prayer, with the final siren for lights-off at 11.30 p.m and sleep at night. Further is the timetable that the Starian routinely do everyday, which only different for weekends.

“(a) School Days:

5.30 am Wake up and preparation for Subuh

6.30 am…. Breakfast

7.15 am Morning Assembly ( basketball court for everyday except Monday, at Hall )

1.30 pm…. Lunch

3.15 pm…. Afternoon Preparation Class

4.30 pm…. End of prep. hours. Ready for Asr prayer and riadah.

5.00 to 6.30 pm … Riadah

6.30 to 7.10 pm…. Dinner

7.15 pm…. Surau activity ( Maghrib prayer, Al-Quran recital, and zikrullah )

8.30 to 10.45 pm…. Night Preparation Class

10.45 to 11.15 pm…. Supper

11.30 pm…. lights off!!!

12.00 pm…. On the bed everyone!!! The inspection by "Pak Guard" began.

(b) Fridays:

Changes in the above:

12.00 am…. Lunch

12.45 noon… Mosque.

(c) Saturdays

after Subuh to the night: free time for students

(d) Sundays

10.00 am Outing (optional)

Changes from time table (a):

8.00 to 9.00 am… Formal Inspection of Hostels by wardens

10.00 to 12.00 am Morning Preparation Class

12.00 noon…. Lunch

[edit] School Anthem

Bangunlah wahai teman-temanku,
Berkorban segenap tenagamu,
Bersama berusaha memajukan bangsa,
Serta tanah air kita.

Bangunlah tuntut segala ilmu,
Tunjukkan kebaktianmu,
Jangan membuang masa,
Dengannya sia-sia,

[edit] Cheer Song

This is the unique tradition of starians where they will all cheer their beloved scholl representatives in various sports( usually soccer and rugby ) with this unique song below. This show the united of all starian. This cheer is always led by a cheerleader, which is a Fivers.
Rouse up rouse up young Starians all,
Through out the land our voice resound,
It's Tuanku Abdul Rahman's call,
To win for him our youth our town,

Stand stead fast Starians for your right,
Your word your dignity your pride,
Come march along we'll conquer all the world,
Young Starians side by side,

To this glorious school we give,
Our pledge of loyalty and love,
Oh teachers always in our heart,
Behold the golden age of Star,

Stand stead fast Starians for your right,
Your word your dignity your pride,
Come march along we'll conquer all the world,
Young Starians side by side....

When The STAR
. When the STAR ( 2x )
When the STAR goes marching
throughout the world to win an event
When the STAR goes marching
( repeat 2x )

Kenek-Keneklah Udang

Kenek-keneklah udang...oi!!
Lembu patahlah tanduk
Sekali kita menyerang...oi!!
Depa tentu kalut
( repeat 6x )

Inilah Barisan Kita
Inilah barisan kita
Yang ikhlas berjuang
Siap sedia berkorban
Untuk nama Sekolah

Sebelum kami berjaya
Jangan harap kami pulang
Ini sumpah setia kami
Menuju kejayaan...

Andai kata kami semua berjaya
Janganlah hangpa terpegun pula
Kami mohon doa...
Agar STAR berjaya....
Semboyan telah berbunyi
menuju medan bakti.....

STAR nama yang diberi
Abdul Rahman yang kami sanjungi
Berkumpul disini...
Memberi sokongan yang kami redhai

Semangat yang kami curahkan
Tiada dapat jumpa kami lagi
Wahai budak STAR semua
Kita tetap terra depa kalah jua

Sebelas pemain bersatu
Pahlawan gagah Sekolahku
Kemenangan sudah tentu
Itulah matlamat Sekolahku

STAR nama yang dipuji
Utara ke Selatan negeri
Bersama menyanyi...
Dari awal hingga ke akhir nanti

Dari padang menghijau segar
Singgah di padang ini sebentar
Kami bersemangat waja
Agar trofi kami punya.
( repeat 2x )
Wherever We Go (sing by a group of people followed by another large group after the first group end the line)
. Wherever we go...
People want to know
Who we are...
Where we come from
So...we tell them
We are the STARians
Mighty! Mighty! STARians...
Rough! Tough! STARians...(3x)

Di Dalam Gelanggang Ini
Di dalam gelanggang ini
Hari ini bertemu lagi ( 2x )
Untuk mempertahankan trofi
Yang berada di tangan kami( 2x )
Pastikan kita yang menang
Wahai pemain STAR tersayang ( 2x )
Agar tetap di Sekolah ini
Lain masa berjumpa lagi ( 2x )

[edit] 1956 - 1965

2 January 1957 - MSS operated from a temporary site ( a former British Army Barrack ) at Baeza Avenue, Off Ashby Road, Ipoh, Perak with a total intake of 360 students. The first Head-Master of the School was Tuan Hj. Hamdan Bin Sheikh Tahir
26 July 1957 - The last British High Commissioner to Malaya Sir Donald MacGillivery paid a visit to the School.
6 January 1958 - The School moved to its present site along Tiger Lane, Ipoh ( now Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah)
14 May 1958 - Official Opening and Renaming of the School by the first Prime Minister of Federation Of Malaya YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj.
The School is now known as Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, named after the first Yang Di Pertuan Agong of the Federation, His Majesty Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
23 September 1958 - Royal Visit by the His MajestyYang Di Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Rahman
November 1959 - First batch students sat for Lower Certificate of Education examination.
January 1960 - Form Four Classes started
14 September 1961 - The Ambassador of USA made a visit to the School
November 1961 - STAR’s first batch of candidates ( 155 ) sat for the combined Cambridge Overseas School Certificate/Federation of Malaya Certificate examinations.
January 1962 - Another milestone for STAR when Form Six Classes started
November 1963 - STAR’s first batch of Upper Six Classes ( Arts and Science ) sat for the Overseas Higher School Certificate examination.
January 1964 - A history of a sort when a girl student was admitted ( STAR is a boys’ residential school) to the school joining Lower Six Science class.
January 1965 - More girls power. 13 girls were admitted to the School entering Lower Six classes.
26 June 1965 - The British High Commissioner to Malaysia His Excellency Viscount Head paid a visit to the School.

[edit] 1966 - 1975

1975 - The School stopped the enrolment of pupils into Remove Classes

[edit] 1976 - 1985

January 1981 - STAR witnessed the enrolment of first 2nd generation Starian. Alimin Ismadi the son of Ismail Salleh ( second batch ) joining Form One.
June 1981 - Official Launching of Kelas Matrikulasi Sains with Universiti Sains Malaysia.
1982 - STAR celebrated Silver Jubilee
15 August 1982 - Hussein Salleh ( first batch )created history when he returned to the School as its Principal.

[edit] 1986 - 1995

1981- Sulaiman Cup 10-aside rugby 1st champion (final against MCKK)
1988- Created history for being the 1st school to enter 3 finals during PPM.(Won English & Malay debate, Runners up in Basketball)
1991- Champion of interschool rugby in Perak (win over MCKK in final 40-0)
1991- Hockey- Champion Kinta II District

[edit] 1996 - 2005

Under-14 Rugby - SYS 'Gajah Cup'-

Under-14 SBP North Zone Football Tournament(Champion by beating MCKK in the final, 3-0)

Shell Safety Road Competition in Kuala Lumpur(Representing Perak Team in that competition)

[edit] 2006 - 2007

STAR celebrated its 50 years establishment or so-called Golden Jubilee.

[edit] Hope

All the teachers and students in this beloved and wonderful Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh are working very hard towards the best ever achievement since this school was opened about 50 years ago. Do you know that the year 2006 was the most fantastic and tremendously exciting moment for the teachers and STARIANs especially? This is becaused Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh was announced as the no.1 school with the best ever performances for the Penilaian Menengah Rendah(PMR). There were about 117 out of 127 students who scored all A's in all eight subjects.

As we know, if we want to be successful in anything that we participate, we have to fix our main goal and work very hard and smartly towards achieving that goal. This philosopher is always in mind as teachers and students in Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh. The journey and advanture are still flowing as this school will be celebrating its 50 years establishment, similar to the age of the beloved country, Malaysia which will be also celebrating its birthday on 31st August 2007.

The responsibility to ensure the success journey for the school is now on the 2007 form 3 students (BATCH OF 49). Although, some of them are not able to suit themselves in this situation, they have to be proud of themselves as they are now able to live as a big happy family- studying and living together in the same area- That's what we want. Courage and positive - thinking attitude will be always in their mind. Ilmu Panduan Hidup!

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