Seismic Seconds

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Seismic Seconds is a National Geographic Channel series that reveal the causes of 6 tragedies, including the death of Ayrton Senna and the Bhopal disaster. It has created only 6 episodes.

[edit] Episodes

# Title Disaster Date of Disaster Nature of Disaster
1 Bhopal Gas Disaster Bhopal disaster 3 December 1984 Human error
In the early hours of 3 December 1984, something at the pesticide factory in Bhopal is going wrong. Pipes begin shaking and concrete is craking. Suddenly, lethal methyl-iso-cyanide smoke spews out of the chimney. Between 16,000 and 30,000 people choke as the cloud of toxic gas blankets Bhopal. Now, we examine how a simple cleaning operation lead to the worst industrial disaster ever.
2 Crash of TWA 800 TWA Flight 800 17 July 1996 Electrical fault, central fuel tank explosion
On the night of July 17 1996, TWA Flight 800, a B-747 carrying 230 people takes-off from New York, headed for Paris. But only 12 minutes into the flight, Flight 800 suddenly explodes from underneath, causing the nose to fall off the aircraft. The rest of TWA 800 rises up in flames for seconds until falling from the sky in pieces into the Atlantic. All 230 people onboard are dead. Did the fuel tank explode? Was it a bomb? Rumours spread that the plane was shot down by the US army, creating the biggest crash investigation ever. Examine the final 44 seconds of Flight 800.
3 The Eruption of Mount Saint Helens 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens 18 May 1980 Lava bulge opened by earthquake, volcanic eruption
Mount St. Helens was a peaceful volcano fro many years with its breath-taking scenery until a breath-taking disaster took hold. After 123 years of inactivity, Mount St. Helens blew its top. A giant avalanche of ash and rock hurtles down the mountain. Lahars take hold of nearby rivers and 57 tourists and scientists perish. What caused this sleeping giant to erupt so violently?
4 Death of Ayrton Senna 1994 San Marino Grand Prix crash 1 May 1994 Mechanical failure, driver error
In 1994 at the San Marino Grand Prix track, famous racer Ayrton Senna is competing in his racing vehicle. Suddenly, while doing a turn, the car goes out of control and slams into the circuit limits. Then, Senna's car breaks up into pieces. One of the pieces, a wheel hits the racer's head, killing him instantly. Recap the final 14 seconds before Senna died. Why did the car crash in the first place?
5 Sinking of HMS Coventry HMS Coventry sinking 25 May 1982 Enemy aircraft bombing, failed intercept of HMS Broadway
In the 1982 Falklands War (Malvinas War by the Argentinians), two british warships, HMS Coventry and HMS Broadway prepare for battle. Various new enemy aircraft then appear in sight. HMS Broadway tries to intercept the attack but it was too late. The Argentinian aircraft bomb HMS Coventry's deck and the ship sinks. Why wasn't HMS Coventry so "invincible"? Why couldn't the ships detect the bombers until it was too late?
6 The Airshow Miracle Unknown Unknown Pilot error
In a airshow, two warplanes fly some acrobatic moves in front of spectators. Then, the aircraft tried a different stunt, but it goes wrong. Suddenly, the warplanes collide and fall out of the sky. But both pilots ejected from the planes in their ejector seats before crashing. What caused this near catastrophe?

[edit] See also