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Seiki-Soho is the life work of Akinobu Kishi former Shiatsu practitioner trained both by Namikoshi and Shizutu Masunaga — creater of Zen Shiatsu — with whom he studied for fifteen years. Seiki-Soho has been described as "the logical succession to Masunaga's work" by Pauline Sasaki, a well known Shiatsu teacher in her own right and former pupil of Akinobu Kishi. The following is Kishi's own description of his work.


Seiki Soho is a method involving the use of resonance, which enables a living organism to recover its capacity for self-healing. By careful observation of the breathing patterns and the resonance zones as they become perceptible on the body, and by dint of unfailing attention and subtle perceptiveness, the experienced practitioner can enter into a state of osmosis with the person.

Any imbalance or blockage of vital energy shows itself through pain, distress, or even illness, the extreme expression of the body’s efforts to recover a state of harmony : indeed, the natural tendency of any living creature is to seek to maintain a constant energy balance.

Once osmosis occurs between a practitioner and the body and psyche of a person, then resonance has been achieved (resonance = ki) : if the practitioner knows how and when to intervene on certain very specific points of the body, the organism then becomes able to regain its harmony and strength.

In fact, if individuals are confident in their own capacity for self-healing, their minds and bodies are free to respond, so that a sensitive and skilled practitioner is then able to identify the points requiring intervention.

The Seiki Soho method rekindles latent sensibilities in the person, who becomes increasingly aware of the changes underway. The body relaxes and is less tense, pain and abnormal sensations are more clearly felt. Later, waste and toxin elimination become more active. The mind also relaxes, becoming more receptive ; it too starts to eliminate waste, in harmony with the body.

So Seiki Soho is not only life-enhancing, but also helps develop willpower and self-reliance.