Sega Model 1

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The Sega Model 1 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1992. During development of the system, Sega went to General Electric Aerospace (which would become part of Martin Marietta, later Lockheed Martin) for assistance in creating the 3D hardware. The first game for the system, Virtua Racing was designed to test the viability of the platform and was never intended to be released commercially, but it was such a success internally that Sega did so anyway.

However, the high cost of the system meant only six games were ever released; among them the popular fighting game Virtua Fighter. The Model 1 would pave the way for the Model 2, one of the most popular arcade system boards ever developed.

[edit] Model 1 specifications

[edit] List of Model 1 games

[edit] External link