Vigilante 8: Second Offense

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Vigilante 8: Second Offense
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offence
Developer(s) Luxoflux
Publisher(s) Activision
Release date(s) 1999
Genre(s) Action
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (T)
Platform(s) Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation

Vigilante 8: Second Offense is a video game, a sequel to Vigilante 8, released for the PlayStation, Sega Dreamcast, and Nintendo 64 in 1999.


[edit] Synopsis

The story of Vigilante 8: Second Offense centers on the international meddlings of an oil conglomerate from the future known as OMAR. Between V8 its sequel, the now-former Vigilante Slick Clyde has risen to become the head of OMAR, and leads the conglomerate to great success, becoming the only multinational supplier of oil to all but one country. Despite this, it still bothers Clyde enormously that he remains unable to bring the United States to its knees. It becomes a true vendetta for Clyde, nagging him into his old age. To his bliss, researchers at Stanford, in 2017, find the secret to time travel. He sees the potential to fulfilling his dream, and Clyde travels back with his bodyguard, Obake, and cybernetic assassin Dallas 13 to the one time he knew the United States was most vulnerable in energy resources, the 1970s, hoping to settle, for once and for all, his megalomaniacal grudge.

Default characters fall into the three following categories: the Vigilantes, the "good guys", trying to stop OMAR's takeover; the Coyotes, terrorists sponsored by OMAR (Character-wise, it also includes actual OMAR operatives); and the Drifters, who, as one could infer, are not really aligned with either side. The three default Vigilantes are college girl Sheila, bounty hunter John Torque, and the daredevil team called the Flying All Star Trio. Default Coyotes are Dallas 13, Mexican mercenary Nina Loco, and juvenile delinquent Molo. The default Drifters are the clinically insane Astronaut Bob O., the mysterious Garbage Man (which is in fact Y, the alien from the previous game disguising as a garbage man), and time-traveling ChronoPol Agent R. Chase. There are also unlockable characters in all three categories.

The secret characters for the Vigilantes are Convoy, the leader of the vigilantes, Houston, Convoy's wife, and Daves Cultsmen, followers of Dave from the original. For the Coyotes, the secret characters are Clyde, megalomanaic head of OMAR and the main villan, Obake, Clyde's oriental bodyguard, and Boogie, a disco loving prison break-out. Unlockable drifters are Padre Destino, Chassey Blue, an FBI agent, and Dusty Earth, a naturalistic native American.

The players drive around a course, collect weapons, and defeat human or computer players. The weapons available for pickup are a flame thrower, mines, unguided rockets, guided missiles, an auto-aiming cannon, and a mortar cannon. Also available for pick-up is a special weapon unique to each vehicle. The specials are much more powerful than other weapons, and come in green crates marked "U.S. ARMY". Each character also has a special phrase that they say whenever they use their special weapon. Also available are upgrades such as propellers to provide mobility in water, hoverpads, and skis and treads.2nd Offense's logo is "If it drives, blow it up!".

[edit] Character Bios

[edit] Team: Vigilantes

John Torque

Age: 32 Vehicle: THUNDERBOLT Special Weapon: WHEEL O' FORTUNE

Having acquired Sid Burn's payoff money, Torque bought himself a new set of tires and some new clothes, then gambled the rest of it away in less than a year. Good thing Sid wasn't coming back for the cash-Torque made sure of it, though he would never admit to anything.

When the money ran out, J.T. needed a new gig. Unfortunately, the Coyotes were no more and his pal Convoy became domesticated, which certainly wasn't Torque's idea of fun. So, he got himself a bounty hunter's license and set his sights on a bad girl named Nina Loco, a notorious weapon smuggler he was well familiar with from the old days. Now, Uncle Sam had put a serious reward on Nina's head, which may have had something to do with Nina acquiring most of the classified government weaponry originally stolen from Site-4.

While on Nina's trail, Torque decided to pay his former mentor a visit. He was horrified to find Convoy and Houston's place plundered and the two lovebirds missing. Without delay, J.T. unearthed a couple of old Mosquitoes from Convoy's backyard and set out on a search for his friends…


Age: 18 Vehicle: WONDERWAGON Special Weapon: TANTRUM GUN

Despite her defiant nature, the orphan Sheila always looked up to her righteous uncle Convoy, who had been having a difficult time adopting her. To prove her worth, Sheila joined her uncle in battle, infuriating him even more. Only when the Coyote Wars ended did Convoy finally come around. Not only did he marry Houston, his former adversary, but he also embraced Sheila as his own daughter.

Sheila hit it off with Houston immediately. Convoy, however, ruled the household with an iron fist and soon Sheila felt one person too many. Neither did she enjoy working the pumps at her uncle's new service station. So, when she turned 18, Convoy packed her bags and put her on a bus to California to pursue higher education.

Sheila felt right at home at UC Berkeley. She quickly shed her leather garb for tank-top fashion and became heavily involved in multiple pacifist and environmental causes. However, her academic bliss came to a screeching halt when a few months later, she received an alarming call from John Torque-apparently, the Coyotes have resurfaced, led by a mysterious new leader, and both her uncle and Houston were missing!

Without hesitation, Sheila filled up the tank of her new Baja and headed for New Mexico…


Age: 27 (Estimated) Vehicle: SAMSON TOW TRUCK Special Weapon: TOW TWISTER

After freeing herself of OMAR's mind-control device, which ruled her life for over two years, Houston slowly began to find herself. Meeting Convoy marked a new beginning, yet her dark past continued to haunt her-she experienced frequent nightmares and strange visions and her inability to remember anything of her past often spoiled her mood.

Yet, despite her dark moments, Houston was happy. Convoy proved to be a wonderful husband and their business was growing. She often accompanied him on his trucking trips. It was during one such trip, on September 3, 1977, while asleep in the cab of the moving truck, that she experienced her most disturbing nightmare yet:

Her whole body appeared to be made of metal, feeling ice cold, rigid... She was standing on a massive platform high above a city, in the company of two people, both of them eerily familiar. One of the two, a frightening old man, inserted something into her arm, sending her brain into overdrive. She knew this feeling-bombarded by impulses, forced to follow orders, helpless... She got into a strange car. The others boarded their own vehicles. All three cars lifted off the platform, accelerating, flying into the clouds, into a light… When the clouds cleared, way below she saw a desert highway… a lone truck… Convoy's truck. Her brain, as if locked in a loop, was screaming… "DESTROY!"

Houston screamed and opened her eyes. She was inside the truck, with Convoy right next to her…

Tomey, Romey and Leilah a.k.a. FLYIN' ALL-STAR TRIO

Age: 15 Vehicle: DAKOTA STUNT CYCLE(s) Special Weapon: BLAZIN' GLORY

In 1973, when Tomey, Romey and Leilah were only 11 years old, their older sister Tanyah disappeared from a Houston gym without a trace. Tanyah was a promising athlete and the family was devastated. Suspecting foul play, the parents decided to send the younger triplets to live with their grandfather in Jersey.

Grandpa Joe was a big motorcycle fan and owned an old racing ring just south of Trenton. The kids soon showed a keen aptitude for his hobby and "Team F.A.S.T" was born, With grandpa as their manager. They began touring at the age of 14 and their incredible stunt shows soon captivated audiences nationwide.

One early morning in September of 1977, during a breakfast at Donny's, Tomey picked up grandpa's newspaper. The headline read "Famous Vigilante To Wed Former Foe" and the article talked of a girl named Houston, who claimed to have been kidnapped and then forced to work for the Coyote terrorist group. Apparently, the girl suffered from amnesia and was unable to recall any details of the kidnapping or her past. After one quick glance at the photograph, Tomey went pale-Houston was their missing sister Tanyah!

The trio immediately put their tour on hold, kissed grandpa goodbye, and headed for New Mexico. They had no idea that the reunion would be a long way coming...



After nearly two years of vigilantism, Convoy was ready to call it quits. With Sid Burn and Beezwax out of the picture, Boogie and Molo locked up, and Loki institutionalized, Convoy saw no reason not to. The true incentive, though, was his blooming romance with Houston.

With his support, Houston turned herself in to the authorities, only to be released due to her involuntary and unknowing participation in the events. They settled in New Mexico and bought a small trucking operation on Route 285, just outside of Roswell. Soon thereafter they married. The press ate it up and the news of the famous vigilante marrying his former archenemy quickly made headlines countrywide.

Convoy was aware of Houston's nightmares and her desire to remember who she truly was; He did his best to help. Houston liked to travel, as new environments occasionally evoked fragments of her missing memories, so Convoy took her along on his hauls whenever possible. Little did he know that one of their trips would change their destiny forever…

On the evening of September 3, 1977, the two were returning from Santa Fe. Houston was sound asleep most of the way, but not far from home she began talking in her sleep. As Convoy tried to shake her from her nightmare, she woke up screaming, then froze-with her eyes wide open, she was staring far into the distance. Convoy followed her gaze-ahead, three unusual vehicles, appearing to float above the road, were approaching from the opposite direction. Convoy had never seen anything like it, but he knew immediately that these 'travelers' were up to no good. Before he could react, however, the vehicles opened fire…

Dave's Cultmen

Age: 19-33 Vehicle: XANADU RV Special Weapon: SUPER INVASION

At the end of the Coyote Wars, legends of Dave's extraterrestrial travels spread quickly among UFO aficionados, alternative religion advocates and other believers. Ham-radio enthusiasts across the nation tuned in every night, scanning the airwaves for transmissions from the mythical Dave. Soon, a small industry sprang up to satisfy the craving for Dave memorabilia-"Daveness" T-shirts, Dave-brand telescopes, toys and books. "Davemania" was destined to become one of the key cultural phenomena of the era, often credited as one of the key factors in lifting America's economy out of the recession.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that there were many who took the movement a little too seriously. Take a group of hippies from Santa Cruz, Dave's hometown. Tired of their unfocused existence, they became easily enraptured with Dave's heroics and decided to seek his guidance. The group's resident wise guy, Dorkiel, spent countless nights at his ham-radio, awaiting a message from The Man. Finally, Dorkiel emerged from his RV enlightened; He proclaimed that in order to find their true calling, the group must retrace Dave's footsteps.

And so, in the summer of 1977, the hippies boarded Dorkiel's RV and embarked on a spiritual journey across the southwest. They decided to begin by paying respects to Convoy-the man who guided Dave during the Coyote Wars…

[edit] Team: Coyotes

Dallas 13

Age: 0.5 Vehicle: PALOMINO XIII Special Weapon: MEGA COLLIDER

In 2017 Dallas 13 was the latest and most advanced "BioBot" in OMAR's long line of cybernetic henchmen. The corporation had been working on the "BioBot" program since the early '70s, hoping to invent the perfect company servant-strong, intelligent, unconditionally loyal and emotionless. These programmed soldiers were commonly used by OMAR as sentries, bodyguards, bill collectors, but also, as secret operatives and assassins.

Since sophisticated Artificial Intelligence was a long way off, OMAR resorted to utilizing a living human body as the basis for each biobot. In the early days, the subjects were simply equipped with mind-control electronics, but later the scientists began replacing key body organs with artificial enhancements. OMAR's track record in mastering the human mind was spotty at best. The first two biobots went haywire and needed to be terminated. The next attempt, Houston 3-based on the first 'imported' subject and field-tested during the infamous U.S. operation in 1974-performed to specifications for nearly two years before going off-line. Much progress had been made since then, but OMAR has yet to produce the perfect model.

Enter Dallas 13, created specifically for Lord Clyde's new project-"Mission: Second Offense". His entire body was constructed from space-age alloys and the latest in nano-technology, fitted with a brain from a classified subject of superior IQ, and two next-generation processors to keep it in check. The biobot's program consisted of the following primary directives:

>Terminate Convoy and other remaining Vigilantes… >Destroy key U.S. industrial installations… >Follow Lord Clyde's orders…

Keiko Uzumi a.k.a. "OBAKE"

Age: 19 Vehicle: TSUNAMI Special Weapon: RIFT BLADE

Keiko underwent a rigorous education as a disciple of the Katana School-run by her father's Uzumi Manufacturing Company. She excelled in all subjects, only to be occasionally outdone by a classmate named Darius; Keiko and Darius were the best of friends. Keiko especially loved martial arts and Darius nicknamed her "Obake" (Ghost), for she could move without a sound or trace.

Obake and Darius were first placed into Clyde's service when only eight years old. Supposedly, Uzumi gave the children to OMAR as a token of gratitude. A short letter from her father confirmed it-he asked her to respect and obey Lord Clyde as if he were her own father. Soon afterwards, OMAR acquired her father's company, and Obake never heard of her family again.

Though Obake always felt out of place in OMAR's world, she followed her father's wishes and soon became Clyde's favorite pupil. She and Darius continued training, though the focus of their studies changed to offensive combat, surveillance, interrogation, with a heavy dose of nonstop OMAR propaganda. By the time they reached adulthood, Obake and Darius were seasoned operatives, having never failed a mission.

This was to change in 2017, when the two were sent to America to steal time propulsion capsules from Stanford University. While they managed to fulfill the objective, the mission went awry due to Darius' error. As a result, the CIA were on OMAR's tail, and Clyde was outraged. Soon, Darius disappeared.

In the meantime, Clyde was preparing for an important sabotage mission and requested Obake's assistance. While her head was still reeling from the events, Obake accompanied her master without questioning…

Nina Loco

Age: 34 Vehicle: EL GUERRERO Special Weapon: LEMMING MISSLE

Even as a child, Nina could always hold her own among the boys-no one messed with the "Loco" girl. As a teenager, she became the best border guide in the south-she could smuggle one or thirty people across the line, either way, every time, as long as she got paid. Often, however, she would just take poor country folk to the Promised Land for free. Nina hated herself for doing that, so she switched to moving guns-it was easier, more profitable and less personal.

The oil crisis proved to be a boon for her-the American boys wanted to play gang wars and were willing to buy plenty of Mosquitoes at a nice markup. Things began to look even better when Sid Burn, leader of the Coyote gang, offered Nina an exclusive deal. Too bad the other guys finished him off before she got paid, and the whole war was over. No matter, she simply confiscated Sid's stockpile of high-tech weaponry stolen from some Nevada lab; She knew the booty was worth a fortune.

Sure enough, a few months later, a stranger named Clyde approached her with an interesting deal-Clyde would buy the loot for one million "dollares" if Nina agreed to work for him for one year. It appeared that Clyde wanted to revive the Coyotes and needed someone who could supply his new army with firepower and other services right up Nina's alley. Nina never worked for anyone, lest a Lord claiming to have arrived from the future, but the money-it could be enough to pack up and move down to the Gulf, like she always dreamed. Nina accepted...


Age: 28 Vehicle: MARATHON Special Weapon: DISCO INFERNO

Disco aficionado and the late Sid Burn's prime henchman, Boogie had been sentenced to serve 10 years at San Quentin Penitentiary for burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, and DUI. Despite agent Blue's testimony, the court did not find sufficient evidence of Boogie's involvement with the Coyotes.

After one year in the can, Boogie had had enough-not only didn't the prison meet his sanitary standards, the ambient elevator music piped constantly through the speakers was truly unbearable. Thank God for a visit from Nina Loco, Sid's former flame, arms supplier and an all-around bad Mama. Boogie knew Nina was always charmed by his genteel ways, so it wasn't surprising that she volunteered to help. Orchestrating Boogie's jailbreak was second nature for Nina, especially after befriending the prison's warden at a local saloon. Adding insult to injury, Boogie stole the warden's Marathon on his way out.

En route to New Mexico, Nina told Boogie of old Clyde's paranormal arrival from the future and his efforts to revive the Coyotes. At first, Boogie was miffed at Nina when he learned that Clyde paid her to get him out. Nevertheless, he was thrilled to be free and was anxious to show off for the new Boss…


Age: 17 Vehicle: BLUE BURRO BUS Special Weapon: SMOG CHECK

After Sid Burn disappeared, Molo was lost-he could not believe that the mighty Sid would simply leave. He crisscrossed the deserts in search of the man, to no avail. When he finally came upon Sid's abandoned car in Nevada, he knew Sid was gone for good.

Disillusioned and just plain bored, Molo began burglarizing gas stations and small trailer parks, so it was only a matter of time before the cops picked him up. He was served a severe sentence for his involvement with the Coyotes, but due to his age, he was placed in a juvenile detention camp in Colorado.

Within a year, Molo became the undisputed top dog among the delinquents. The place was a heaven for someone of his persuasion, but the good times were coming to an end-he was scheduled to transfer to San Quentin Penitentiary on his upcoming 18th birthday; He became restless.

One day before Molo's transfer, an old man arrived at the camp in a white limousine and requested a visit with the kid. Molo knew his salvation had come when the stranger offered to get him out in return for his loyalty-he agreed immediately. Afterwards, the man simply walked into the superintendent's office and within minutes Molo was leaving the compound in his savior's limousine…

Lord Clyde


In 2017, Lord Clyde of OMAR, also known as Slick, was the most powerful man of the century. He was not only the CEO of the largest global corporation controlling all of oil production outside the United States, but also, covertly, the leader of the Coyote Cartel; an expansive underworld organization. Of course, Clyde wouldn't be in that position if he were a man of principles or integrity. On the contrary, he was the most calculating and ruthless person the world had ever seen.

While Clyde was never a saint, he wasn't always such a monster. His cruelty and blind devotion to OMAR were first triggered by an electronic adornment he had found in an Arizona roadside restroom in 1975. It was Houston's forlorn armband, one of the first mind-control devices designed by OMAR. Though not entirely functional, it changed Clyde forever. Now, the path of his lifelong quest for supremacy was littered with countless broken lives, bankrupt companies and ruined economies. The United States, however, managed to withstand OMAR's repeated attempts to monopolize its oil trade, thanks to its early adoption of nuclear power and other alternative sources. By the early 21st century America was stronger than ever, and was quickly becoming a major threat to OMAR's dominance.

By 2016, Clyde's health was deteriorating and it appeared that the world would soon be rid of the tyrant. Clyde, however, was not intent on leaving until his dream was fulfilled. In his most desperate move yet, he acquired a time-travel device to send himself back to the days when OMAR still had a chance of putting America out of business-the '70s. But first, he would have to eliminate Convoy-the legendary Vigilante leader who spoiled OMAR's plans once before…

[edit] Team: Drifter

Agent R. Chase

Age: 38 Vehicle: CHRONO STINGER Special Weapon: HARD TIME

In 2017, Agent Chase-one of CIA's best detectives-had been following OMAR and its enigmatic leader, Lord Clyde, for years. He was intent on proving that Clyde doubled as the leader of the Coyote Cartel-the only remaining underworld organization, linked to dozens of terrorist attacks and other criminal activities-and that Clyde was using the mob to enforce OMAR's interests around the world.

Chase had just managed to collect enough evidence to incriminate Clyde when he was approached by CIA's ChronoPol division, requesting assistance in an investigation of missing time propulsion capsules from Stanford University. The ChronoPol was established in response to the first successful time travel experiment conducted in 2016, and had been monitoring illegal time-space intrusions since. The agency suspected OMAR's involvement in the robbery.

Two days later, on September 3, ChronoPol's intelligence detected a temporal time disruption originating at OMAR's headquarters. Further research determined that three OMAR vehicles, led by Clyde himself, reversed through time-space by an estimated 40 years. Their arrival coordinates were placed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

Agent Chase immediately volunteered to travel to the '70s, to apprehend Clyde and bring him back. (Subconsciously, he was also hopeful to look up Chassey Blue-the favorite actress of his teenage years.) Given Chase's thorough knowledge of the case, the agency approved his mission without delay…

Chassey Blue

Age: 28 Vehicle: VERTIGO Special Weapon: STAR POWER

After quitting the FBI, Chassey turned actress and took Hollywood by storm. She debuted in the spring of 1976 in the true-to-life action romp "Agent Blue: Auto Vigilante", starring as herself-an undercover FBI agent cleaning up the southwest of motorized gangsters. The film was an instant hit, making her a major movie star literally overnight.

Chassey went on to make five films in one year, all of them blockbusters. At the end of 1977, however, she became the central figure in a major controversy. When the tabloids printed fake photos of Chassey with the President, the studios shut their doors to her just as fast as they opened them, and her Hollywood career was over. Chassey was devastated.

Luckily the doldrums didn't last. She was soon contacted by her old boss at the FBI, who not only wanted her back, but also offered her a promotion to Secret Agent. While Chassey was surprised at the sudden interest, she was sick of Hollywood and took the job without hesitation. If only she knew that it was the bureau who blackballed her career in Tinseltown just to get her back on the force-her previous experience and unique qualifications made her the perfect, and only, candidate for the agency's latest mission. Suspecting something major at play, the FBI wanted Chassey in New Mexico to investigate reports of renewed Coyote activity, and its possible connection to local time disparities and abnormal weather patterns.

Sporting a serious makeover and a brand new concept car, Chassey was ready for action…

Astronaut Bob O.

Age: Unknown Vehicle: MOON TREKKER Special Weapon: THE COLLECTOR

This strange loner had been seen roaming the countryside, anywhere from Florida to New Mexico. Some said that the first sightings of the lunar rover coincided with the mysterious destruction of NASA's Space Defense Labs at Cape Canaveral in the fall of 1977. While no one ever heard the astronaut speak or saw his face, always hidden behind a helmet, he was known as Bob O., as embroidered on his spacesuit nametag.

Bob appeared to favor remote farmer's markets and gas station marts, and had an obvious weakness for oatmeal and fruit. Always eager to assault the curious onlooker, he quickly became infamous for his anti-social behavior.

When new auto skirmishes first began in the fall of 1977, Bob's rover was often reported seen amidst the action. The extent of his involvement, however, was unknown…

Garbage Man

Age: Unknown Vehicle: GRUBB DUAL LOADER Special Weapon: COMPACTOR

After the Coyote Wars, many strangers began appearing in the Southwest. Some were simply curious outsiders drawn by media hype, others however, were characters of truly dubious origins. Among these drifters was a grungy garbage man, driving a battered Grubb collection truck.

The garbage man was first spotted in 1976, near Indian Springs, Nevada, rummaging through a landfill. Since then, he was seen as far as Florida and Oregon. While he didn't appear to be associated with any official trash company, he often made regular rounds at various locations, though no one knew what he did with the stolen refuse…

Padre Destino

Age: 66 Vehicle: GOLIATH HALFTRACK Special Weapon: HADES GATE

Constantly on the move, this traveling preacher was busy spreading the word. He was not singing gospel however; he was promoting the idea of an impending Armageddon. His prophecy called for an "Event of Annihilation", which would destroy all life in a single moment and mark the arrival of a "New Beginning" for the chosen few who followed him.

The preacher's origins were unclear, though he was believed to be an erstwhile military man. The Southerners called him Padre Destino. During his sermons, he often referred to his "Tome of Scriptures"-a large red book he never parted with, believed by some to be the source of his madness.

No person would ever buy into Destino's ramblings and so he wasn't very successful in his recruitment efforts. This was partly due to his lack of credibility-he simply kept on changing the date of the "Event" each time his prophecy failed to come true. The other reason was that after each sermon, the Padre liked to celebrate the upcoming miracle with a good dose of destruction.

Destino was growing increasingly frustrated with his results, but when he noticed the violence around him intensifying, he knew that the end was coming. With all his energy and enthusiasm, he threw himself into the midst of the turmoil…

Dusty 'Earth'

Age: 62 Vehicle: WAPITI 4WD Special Weapon: TRIBAL MAGIC

Dusty, chief of the Zuni tribe, had seen better days. It was 1975, gas was expensive and vandals were plundering the countryside. He had heard of the oil crisis, but hoped that it would have little bearing on his tribe; He was wrong.

After the gangsters destroyed a nearby ghost town, Dusty tried calling the police in Gallup. He knew there was trouble when he learned that the sheriff and his deputy were recalled to Albuquerque to help control rioters there. Dusty watched helplessly as the perpetrators burned down the trading post, but when they desecrated the Zuni burial grounds, he just couldn't stand by any longer.

Dusty never had much appreciation for guns, so he decided to call upon the ancestral spirits for help. After three nights of 'kachina' trances in his pueblo, a spirit Falcon appeared to him in a vision. The Falcon told him to rest and prepare, as these scuffles were nothing compared to what's to come-it warned him of an evil Coyote Demon who was soon to descend upon the land and ravage all that lay in its path. To battle the demon, the Falcon said, Dusty must leave the pueblo and go to the mountains to learn the shaman ways of his great ancestors…

When Dusty woke up the next morning, his soul was filled with sadness, but suddenly he noticed a falcon sitting on the roof of his car-there and then Dusty knew that when the demon arrives, he would be ready to take him on…

[edit] Special Weapons

The Characters' vehicles, specials weapons, and phrases that accompany their special weapons are:

  • Sheila drives a dune buggy called "Wonder Wagon." Her special is the Tantrum Gun; she says "Tantrum!" whenever it begins firing.
  • John Torque drives a Thunderbird with a high power cannon, the Wheel of Fortune, for a special. He says "Place yo bets!" whenever it's fired.
  • The Flying Allstar Trio drive a motorcycle and have fireworks (Soaring Glory) that do massive damage for a special. They say "Dy-No-Mite!" as each of the 3 fireworks are fired. 'Dy-No-Mite' is an obvious reference to 70's sitcom Good Times.
  • Convoy drives a semi-truck with powerful horns (Rolling Thunder) that blast enemies and tosses them around. He says "Move 'em out" whenever his special is used.
  • Houston drives a tow truck that can grab enemies and do damage, especially with mines, and also penetrate shields. It's called, unsurprisingly, the Tow Twister. She says "I got the hook up!" whenever it is used.
  • Daves Cultsmen drives an RV that can call mini UFO's that damage enemies (Super Invasion). They say, not surprisingly, "Invasion!"
  • Dallas 13 drives a futuristic Palomino XIII hovercar with a laser (Mega Collider) for a special. It has a chance to punch the enemy far away, and has great stopping power. It stops Palomino XIII dead in its tracks no matter what it was doing (even falling), although it leaves it little horizontal turning ability. It goes through buildings and vehicles. His special weapon is accompanied by some electronic sounding noises, since he is a cyborg.
  • Nina Loco drives a Chevy El Camino with high power homing missiles (Lemming Missile) for a special. She says "Eat me!" whenever one of her missiles are fired.
  • Molo drives a bus with an oversized smog pipe (Smog Check) that stalls and damages other cars. He says "Take a whiff! Ha ha!" whenever it is used.
  • Clyde drives a limousine that can shock enemies with lightning (Chain Lightning). It also hurts friendly vehicles. He says "Shocking" with a vibrating voice when his special is used.
  • Obake drives an extremely small and fast semi-motorcycle vehicle that slices through enemies at super-speed. It has some homing abilities as well and goes through vehicles and buildings. The weapon is called the Rift Blade. She screams a stereotypical Martial Artist-esque scream upon using the Rift Blade.
  • Boogie drives a highly compact pick-up that has a disco ball that rapidly shoots enemies (Disco Inferno). He makes a "whoop whoop whoop!" noise when his disco ball is used.
  • Bob O. drives a lunar rover with mechanical claws that tear away at other players and grab them (The Collector). He only makes some screeching noises when he uses his special, as he is actually a monkey.
  • Garbage Man drives a garbage truck that can load other cars in the back to damage them or, if the target is too big, simply slams it against the ground several times before throwing it away (Compactor). He makes a strange noise that sounds like he's trying to say something when he uses his special.
  • Agent Chase drives a Chronopol Patrol car that freezes other cars for further damaging (Hard Time). If fired too close, it also freezes his own vehicle. He says "Hard time!" when he uses it. If two players fire hard time at the same time it freezes both players permanently.
  • Padre Destino drives a half-track that descends into Hell and blasts back up underneath enemies and sets them on fire (Hades Gate). He says only "Beware!" before descending into Hell.
  • Chassey Blue drives a De Lorean DMC-12 lookalike with a laser shooting satellite as a special (Star Power). She says "Star power!" when she uses her satellite.
  • Dusty Earth, ironically, drives an SUV with a tornado-creating hawk for a special (Tribal Magic). He does a little chant when he uses his special.