Sectional center facility (SCF)

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A Destination Sectional Center Facility (SCF) is a Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) of the United States Postal Service (USPS) that serves a designated geographical area defined by one or more three-digit ZIP Code prefixes.

The following are the USPS SCF's (along with associated airports) by state that, together, form the backbone of the primary mail service in the United States.


[edit] Alabama

Note: Alabama 369 is served by Meridian, Mississippi.

[edit] Alaska

[edit] American Samoa

American Samoa is served by the SCF in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Regional:*Pago Pago, AS (96799)

[edit] Arizona

Note: AZ 865 served by Gallup, New Mexico; 854, 858, and 861 are unassigned.

[edit] Arkansas

Note: Arkansas 723 served by Memphis, Tennessee.

[edit] California

Note: CA 961 is served by Reno, Nevada; CA 909, 929, and 938 are unassigned.

[edit] Colorado

[edit] Connecticut

[edit] Delaware

[edit] District of Columbia

  • Washington, DC (200, 202-205), 900 Brentwood Rd NE, Washington DC 20066-9998

[edit] Florida

[edit] Georgia

Note: Georgia 307 is served by Chattanooga, Tennessee.

[edit] Guam

Regional post offices:

[edit] Hawaii

Honolulu (967-968), served by Honolulu International Airport.

Regional post offices:

[edit] Idaho

[edit] Illinois

Note: Illinois 620 & 622 are served by St. Louis, Missouri; 621 is unassigned.

[edit] Indiana

Note: Indiana 470 is served by Cincinnati, Ohio; Indiana 471 is served by Louisville, Kentucky; 472 are unassigned.

[edit] Iowa

Note: Iowa 515-516 are served by Omaha, Nebraska; Iowa 527-528 are served by Rock Island, Illinois; 517-519 are unassigned.

[edit] Kansas

Note: 663 is unassigned.

[edit] Kentucky

Note: Kentucky 410 is served by Cincinnati, Ohio; Kentucky 424 is served by Evansville, Indiana; 419 is unassigned.

[edit] Louisiana

Note: 702 and 709 are unassigned.

[edit] Maine

Note: Maine 039 is served by Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

[edit] Maryland

[edit] Massachusetts

Note: Massachusetts 027 is served by Providence, Rhode Island.

[edit] Michigan

[edit] Minnesota

Note: 552 is unassigned.

[edit] Mississippi

Note: Mississippi 386 is served by Memphis, Tennessee.

[edit] Missouri

Note: Missouri 634-635 are served by Quincy, Illinois; 632, 642-643, and 659 are unassigned.

[edit] Montana

[edit] Nebraska

Note: 682 is unassigned.

[edit] Nevada

Note: 892 is unassigned.

[edit] New Hampshire

Note: New Hampshire 035-037 are served by White River Junction, Vermont.

  • Manchester (030-034) 955 Goffs Falls Rd., Manchester, NH 03103
  • Portsmouth (038, Maine 039) 345 Heritage Ave., Portsmouth, NH 03801

[edit] New Jersey

[edit] New Mexico

Note: 872, 876, and 883 are unassigned.

[edit] New York

[edit] North Carolina

[edit] North Dakota

[edit] Northern Mariana Islands

See Guam above.

[edit] Ohio

[edit] Oklahoma

Note: Oklahoma 739 is served by Liberal, Kansas; 732 and 742 are unassigned; 733 is assigned to Austin, Texas.

[edit] Oregon

Note: Oregon 979 is served by Boise, Idaho.

[edit] Palau

See Guam above.

[edit] Pennsylvania

[edit] Puerto Rico

[edit] Rhode Island

[edit] South Carolina

Note: South Carolina 297 is served by Charlotte, North Carolina; South Carolina 298 is served by Augusta, Georgia; and South Carolina 299 is served by Savannah, Georgia.

[edit] South Dakota

[edit] Tennessee

[edit] Texas

[edit] Utah

Note: 842 is unassigned.

[edit] Vermont

Note: 055 is assigned to Middlesex-Essex, Massachusetts.

[edit] U.S. Virgin Islands

See Puerto Rico above.

[edit] Virginia

Note: Virginia 246 is served by Bluefield, West Virginia.

[edit] Washington

Note: Washington 986 is served by Portland, Oregon. 987 is unassigned.

[edit] West Virginia

Note: West Virginia 267 is assigned to Cumberland, Maryland.

[edit] Wisconsin

Note: Wisconsin 540 is served by St. Paul, Minnesota.

[edit] Wyoming

Note: Wyoming 821 is served by Billings, Montana.

[edit] References

  1. ^
  • US Postal Service ZIP Code Directory, 1996.

[edit] External links