Secret Santa

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For the person see Larry Stewart (philanthropist).

Secret Santa, sometimes referred to as Pollyanna, Kris Kindle or Kris Kringle, and sometimes, but rarely turd macgey[citation needed] is a Christmas ritual involving a group of people exchanging anonymous gifts. The ritual is known as Secret Santa in the United States and Great Britain but Kris Kindle in parts of the Commonwealth; both terms are acceptable and used in Australia or New Zealand. All of these names derive from traditional Christmas gift-bringers: the US version is named after Santa Claus while Kris Kindle and Kris Kringle are corruptions of the name of the German gift-bringer Christkind (in Britain the traditional gift-bringer is Father Christmas). The term Secret Santa can refer to the ritual itself, or any of the people participating. The purpose of Secret Santa is to restrict gift-giving. Because of this, it is often practised in workplaces, or amongst large families. Recently the name Secret Snowflake has been showing up as a secular term for the same practice, which has attracted much criticism, particularly with Christmas being the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.[citation needed] In Latin America, it is called Amigo Secreto (Secret Friend) or Amigo Invisible (Invisible Friend), and the latter term is widely used in Spain as well.

Participation is usually voluntary, especially in workplace settings.


[edit] A typical Secret Santa

Participants' names are placed in a hat, and each person draws a name for whom they are to buy a gift. Along with name submission, each participant may also submit a short wishlist of items from which the gift-giver can choose. There is often a limit to how much can be spent on the present. Presents are then exchanged anonymously.

There is usually a gift-giving occasion, where all the presents are placed on a table, marked with the name of the receiver but not the giver. Sometimes the gift-giver will personally give the recipient the present, thereby revealing their identity. Some groups may choose to donate the money they saved on presents to charity.

Sites such as Elfster provide a modern twist allowing organizers and participants to manage the draw, wishlists and exchange on line.

[edit] Variation: Thieving Secret Santa

In this version, participants (players) bring one gift each which is potentially suitable or interesting to any of the other participants. The gifts should be wrapped in such a way as to disguise their nature. Ideally, the provider of each gift should not be disclosed when setting up the game. Players take turns, and can either open a new gift, or steal a previously opened gift. This game is also known as the White elephant gift exchange or Yankee Swap.

[edit] Variation: Secret Santa over several days

In this variation, the gift giving occurs over several days. Typically, on a daily basis some small gift is secretly delivered to each person with an emphasis on creativity to make it fun. Examples include, a homemade card, a poem, candies, a trinket, a snack or a little piece of art. By playing this game over several days, the tension mounts and everyone is curious as to exactly who their personal ‘Secret Santa’ is. On the last day of the activity, the gift usually reveals the identity of the ‘Secret Santa’. This could also be played by agreeing on a certain place then all the Secret Santas hide their gifts and then put small clues with the name of the person who they are Secret Santa to, which lead to where the gift is hidden.

[edit] References in popular culture

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