Second order cone programming

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A Second order cone program (SOCP) is a convex optimization problem of the form

minimize \ f^T x \ subject to

\lVert A_i x + b_i \rVert_2 \leq c_i^T x + d_i,\quad i = 1,\dots,m

Fx = g \

where the problem parameters are f \in \mathbb{R}^n, \ A_i \in \mathbb{R}^{{n_i}\times n}, \ b_i \in \mathbb{R}^{n_I}, \ c_i \in  \mathbb{R}^n, \ d_i \in \mathbb{R}, \ F \in \mathbb{R}^{p\times n}, and g \in \mathbb{R}^p. Here x\in\mathbb{R}^n is the optimization variable. When Ai = 0 for i = 1,\dots,m, the SOCP reduces to a linear program. When ci = 0 for i = 1,\dots,m, the SOCP is equivalent to a convex Quadratically constrained quadratic program. SOCPs can be solved with great efficiency by interior point methods.

[edit] Example: Robust Linear Programming

Consider a stochastic linear program in inequality form

minimize \ c^T x \ subject to
P(a_i^T(x) \leq b_i) \leq \eta, \quad i = 1,\dots,m

where the parameters a_i \ are independent Gaussian random vectors with mean \bar{a}_i and covariance \Sigma_i \ and \eta\geq0.5. This problem can be expressed as the SOCP

minimize \ c^T x \ subject to
\bar{a}_i^T (x) + \Phi^{-1}(\eta) \lVert \Sigma_i^{1/2} x \rVert_2 \leq b_i  , \quad i = 1,\dots,m

where \Phi^{-1} \ is the inverse error function.

[edit] External links

  • MOSEK — The first commercially available software package for solution SOCP.