Second Vermont Republic

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Second Vermont Republic (SVR) is a secessionist movement within the U.S. state of Vermont to return the state to the independent status it enjoyed as the Vermont Republic from 1777-1791. The organization was founded by Thomas Naylor, a former Duke University economics professor who began the secession movement when he published the book The Vermont Manifesto in 2003.

As of January 2005, the movement had 125 card-carrying members [1]. SVR's web site says "Our primary objective is to extricate Vermont peacefully from the United States as soon as possible." Supporters of the Second Vermont Republic endorse Vermont's current commitment to small and sustainable towns, farms and businesses and encourage residents of the state to buy products made locally and sold in small locally owned stores. They also believe in direct democracy at the local level and desire to turn back as much power as possible to local communities.

The Second Vermont Republic has been under increased scrutiny and controversy as of late, as it was revealed by an anonymous blogger that some of their advisory board members have been confirmed to have affiliations with Neo-Confederate groups, such as the League of the South. In reaction to criticism, Naylor posted a response [2] at the SVR website. In that response, Naylor claims that the organization has loose connections to other secessionist groups with varying political and social positions and refers to the Southern Poverty Law Center as "...a well known McCarthy-like group of mercenaries... who routinely engage in ideologically driven witch hunts and smear campaigns on behalf of their wealthy, techno-fascist clients."

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