Second Epistle of Clement

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The Second Epistle of Clement, often referred to as 2 Clement, is an early Christian writing. 2 Clement was not accepted in the canonical New Testament, but was included in the Apostolic Fathers collection.

2 Clement was traditionally believed to have been epistle to the Christian Church in Corinth written by Clement of Rome sometime in the late first century. However, fourth-century bishop Eusebius, in his historical work, says Clement "has left us one recognized epistle" (Ecclesiastical History 3.16), so doubts about this work belonging to Clement of Rome are not new. Modern scholars believe that Second Clement is actually a sermon written around 140 - 160 CE by an anonymous author-- one who was neither the author of 1 Clement nor Clement of Rome. Nonetheless, scholars still generally refer to the work by its traditional name "Second Clement".

2 Clement appears to be a transcript of a homily or sermon that was originally delivered orally at a Christian worship service. For example, in ch. 19 the speaker announces that he will read aloud from scripture-- something we would only expect to find in an a transcript of an oral sermon. Similarly, whereas an epistle would typically begin by introducting the sender and recipient, 2 Clement starts with by addressing "Bretheren", and then proceeding directly to the sermon. If it is a sermon, 2 Clement would be the earliest surviving Christian sermon (aside from those found in the New Testament).

2 Clement appears to have been written originally in Greek.

Rather than trying to convert others to Christianity, 2 Clement appears to be directed at an audience of Christians who had converted from Paganism. 2 Clement seems to reference a past history of idolatry: "[Previously] we were maimed in our understanding-- we were worshipping stones and pieces of wood, and gold and silver and copper-- all of them made by humans".

Despite their Pagan background, the speaker and audience in 2 Clement appear to consider the Jewish texts to be scripture-- in the speaker quotes repeatedly from the Book of Isaiah and interprets the text. The speaker also regards the words of Jesus as scripture-- for example, 2 Clement 2:4 quotes a saying of Jesus (one which has parallels, for example, in Mark 2:17, and Matthew 9:13).

In addition to the canonical literature, the author of 2 Clement appears to have had access to Christian writings or oral tradition aside from those found in the New Testament. Some quotes attributed to Jesus are found only in 2 Clement. (e.g. 2 Clement 4:5). In 2 Clement 5:2-4, the author quotes a Jesus saying which is partially found in the New Testament, but the version quoted in 2 Clement is substantially longer than the version found in the New Testament. In the 20th century, a manuscript fragment was discovered that suggests this saying is a quote from the Gospel of Peter, much of which has been lost. Similarly, 2 Clement 12, the author quotes from the Coptic Gospel of Thomas, which was lost until the mid-20th century. 2 Clement also appears to cite the Greek Gospel of the Egyptians.

The earliest external reference to 2 Clement is found in Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History written in the early fourth century:

"It must not be overlooked that there is a second epistle said to be from Clement's pen, but I have no reason to suppose that it was well known like the first one, since I am not aware that the early fathers made any use of it. A year or two ago other long and wordy treatises were put forward as Clement's work. They contain alleged dialogues with Peter and Apion, but there is no mention whatever of them by early writers, nor do they preserve in its purity the stamp of apostolic orthodoxy." (Historia Ecclesiastica III 38) [1]

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