Second Battle of Winchester

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Second Battle of Winchester
Part of American Civil War

Sketch of the Second Battle of Winchester-Jedediah Hotchkiss
Date June 13June 15, 1863
Location Frederick County and Winchester, Virginia
Result Confederate victory
United States of America Confederate States of America
Robert H. Milroy Richard S. Ewell
Three infantry brigades (6,900) Two divisions of the Army of Northern Virginia (12,500)
4,443 (95 killed, 348 wounded, 4,000 missing or captured) 269 (47 killed, 219 wounded, 3 missing)
Gettysburg Campaign
Brandy Station2nd WinchesterAldieMiddleburgUppervilleSporting HillHanoverGettysburgCarlisleHunterstownFairfieldWilliamsportBoonsboroManassas Gap

The Second Battle of Winchester was fought June 13June 15, 1863, in Frederick County and Winchester, Virginia, as part of the Gettysburg Campaign of the American Civil War. As Confederate Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell moved down the Shenandoah Valley in the direction of Pennsylvania, his corps defeated the Union Army garrison commanded by Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy, capturing Winchester and numerous Union prisoners.


[edit] Background

After the Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863, Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered Ewell's 19,000-man Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, to clear the lower Shenandoah Valley of Union opposition so that Lee's army could proceed on its invasion of Pennsylvania, shielded by the Blue Ridge Mountains from Union interference .

[edit] Opposing Forces

[edit] Ewell's Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia

Lt. Gen. Ewell's force of 19,000 consisted of:

[edit] 2nd Division, VIII Corps, Middle Department

Maj. Gen. Milroy's force of 6,900 consisted of three infantry brigades, under Brig. Gen. Washington L. Elliot and Cols. Andrew T. McReynolds and William G. Ely, and two small outposts northwest of town under Col. Joseph W. Keifer. General-in-chief Henry Wager Halleck expressed great concerns about the Middle Department's defense strategy for it's primary objective to protect the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad corridor. Brig. Gen. Benjamin Franklin Kelley, commander of the "railroad division" (Department of Harper's Ferry), had been advised that his plan along with Maj. Gen. Milroy's and Maj. Gen. Robert C. Schenck's (Commander of the Middle Department) was unsound:

Headquarters Eighth Army Corps,
Baltimore, January 5 1863.

The following telegram was received to-day from Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief:

"Major-General Schenck: No attempt should be made to hold Winchester against a large force of the enemy ..."

General Halleck does not quite agree with General Schenck and yourself as to the policy of covering and protecting the road principly by keeping up advanced posts at Leesburg, Winchester and Romney.

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Assistant Adjutant-General.[1]

[edit] Preliminary maneuvers

[edit] Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) movement

Ewell's movements were coordinated as part of an overall orchestration of the Army of Northern Virginia into position for crossing the Potomac River toward Pennsylvania by using the Blue Ridge Mountains as a screen. These overall maneuver was put into effect on 3 June, when Gen. Robert E. Lee stated his intent to "transfer the scene of hostilities beyond the Potomac", by moving in a concealed fashion down the Shenandoah Valley.

Longstreet's First Corps (via Snicker's Gap) and Hill's Third Corps (via Ashby's Gap) paralled the movements of Second Corps to the east through Berryville, Virginia, and Stuart's Cavalry Division was under orders for careful synchronization and screening for Lee's Army by demonstrations and screening actions along the ANV's right flank east of the Blue Ridge.

[edit] Ewell's Second Corps movements

June 4-11 - The Second Corps left Hamilton's Crossing on 4 June and marched to Culpeper, Virginia arriving 7 June. Receiving intelligence that Union forces had crossed the Rappahannock River in force, Lee ordered Lieutenant General Ewell northeast to Brandy Station, Virginia on 9 June, to support Major General J.E.B. Stuart's actions in the Battle of Brandy Station, only to find the Union forces already retreating. Ewell resumed the march on 10 June, passing through Chester's Gap by Front Royal, Virginia and arrived at Cedarville into positions southeast of Winchester.

June 12 - Approaching along the Front Royal Pike (modern U.S. 522), Ewell formed his Corps level plan of action, composed of splitting the Corps into two basic independent movements:

  • North Intercept & Cut-Off Maneuver to Berryville:
    • Units: Rode's Division and Jenkins' cavalry brigade
    • Direction of Movement: detached north to Berryville, Virginia
    • Ewell's Objective: To capture, if possible, Col. McReynolds force of 1,800 men and then to press north to Martinsburg
  • Main Strike Maneuver to Winchester:
    • Units: Early's Division, Johnson's Division and the 16th Virginia Cavalry Battalion (Maj. James H. Nounnan) of Jenkins' Brigade
    • Direction of Movement: Northwest to Winchester, Virginia
    • Ewell's Objective: To attack the fortifications in Winchester and MajGen. Milroy's force of 6,000 to 8,000 men

[edit] Milroy's defensive preparations

[edit] Berryville Outpost

By April, MajGen. Milroy's loose grip on Confederate raiding in the lower Shenandoah Valley caused enough concern for the Middle Department commander, MajGen. Schenck, to directly order Milroy to post one brigade further to the east at Berryville, Virginia. Berryville offered a base of operations to patrol crossings of the Shenandoah River and lookout for Confederate raiding in and out of both Snicker's Gap and Ashby's Gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains on the eastern border of the valley,[2]. In response, MajGen. Milroy posted Col. McReynold's brigade in Berryville, Virginia, with orders to evacuate to Winchester upon the signal of the firing of one of the heavy artillery guns.

[edit] Cavalry Defenses

Milroy also stationed pickets and videttes around Winchester, but they were positioned so close to Winchester, due to bushwacking of his patrols[3], that Milroy had practically no surveillance of the situation around himself. His caution in posting outlying videttes was also perhaps due to the severe losses he incurred in trying to supress various Confederate cavalry raids that kept occuring in his district, such as on 26 February, when he sent the 1st New York Cavalry and the 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry out to pursue raiders. They met the 7th and 11th Virginia Cavalry under the command of Col. O. R. Funsten, and suffered a devastating loss of 197 Federal cavalry including 12 officers[4]. Milroy also often recorded many other grand sounding cavalry incursions supposedly capturing or killing many of Colonel John S. Mosby's rangers in the weeks and months leading up to June, however, the records of Mosby's Rangers do not corroborate or mention most of these engagements[5]

[edit] Fortifications

MajGen. Milroy's defensive fortifications in Winchester, Virginia in June, 1863.
MajGen. Milroy's defensive fortifications in Winchester, Virginia in June, 1863.

Winchester was heavily fortified by forts and lunettes circumferencing the town, as well as along the outlying turnpike routes entering town . Within Winchester Milroy constructed a total of ten defensive fortifications numbered Battery No. 1 through Battery No. 10, making improvments on many pre-existing forts and fortifications left by prior Confederate and Federal occupations. The fortifications were linked in places with roads and trenches, and the use of these were a key to Milroys defensive strategy. Through a combination of retreating his forces into the defensive works, and then using his long-range heavy artillery, Milroy felt that he could hold out for weeks if not months against any force that may be thrown against him. During the battle, Maj. Gen. Milroy concentrated his forces on the ridges west of town in his three highest and most improved forts connected by trenches. The larger forts were named:

  • Battery No. 2 - Fort Milroy: Originally built by Confederate troops and called the "fortification on the heights" or the "Main Fort", this was improved under MajGen. Banks and called "Fort Garibaldi" by the 39th New York regiment. The fort was improved extensively by Milroy's troops and held 14 guns, including heavy artillery, and renamed Fort Milroy (but then renamed Fort Jackson after the battle).
  • Battery No. 3 - Star Fort: This fort was built by Federal troops in 1862, improved by Milroy, and equipped with 8 guns. (Renamed Fort Alabama).
  • Battery No. 5 - West Fort: This was a 3 gun lunette located due west of Fort Milroy (Renamed Louisiana Heights)

The lesser fortifications initially used, but abandoned by Milroy during the course of the battle were:

  • Battery No. 1: A linear entrenchment-lunette along Bower's Hill south of Fort Milroy (Battery 2).
  • Battery No. 4: A large star lunette with entrenchments and minor lunettes containing 6 guns, located due north of Star Fort (Battery 3) along the same ridge line (north of moder VA 37).
  • Battery No. 6: A small lunette with 3 guns on a hill peak located in between West Fort (Battery 5) and Battery 7 (modern exit of VA 37 onto VA 522).
  • Battery No. 7: A large lunette and trench line with 8 guns on Apple Pie Ridge west of Apple Pie Ridge Road (modern James Wood High School).
  • Battery No. 8: A grouping of two redan's downhill west of Star Fort (Battery 3).
  • Battery No. 9: Unknown location.
  • Battery No. 10: this was the Confederate Fort Collier built on the east side of the Martinsburg turnpike on the north end of town.
  • Fortification at Opequon Crossing: A lunette or redan 4 miles south of Winchester at the Opequon river crossing on Front Royal turnpike (modern VA 522).

For further information see:The Occupation of Major General Robert Milroy

[edit] Main Battle

[edit] June 13: Initial engagements

[edit] Ewell's Attack Plan

Ewell and his generals were well acquainted with the tactical situation in Winchester, having fought through here under LtGen. Jackson during the First Battle of Winchester, and understood the layout of the various fortifications and terrain masking opportunities on the west side of town. Therefore, Ewell further split his Corps into two basic flanking movements:

  • West (Left) Flanking Movement
    • Units: Early's Division, Brown's artillery battalion, 1st Maryland Infantry Battalion and the Baltimore Light Artillery
    • Direction: West to Newton, on the Valley Pike
    • Ewell's Objective: Approach Winchester from the southwest, and seek flanking avenues of approach from the west and northwest ridges of town
  • East (Right) Flanking Movement
    • Units: Johnson's Division, 16th Virginia cavalry battalion
    • Direction: Northwest to Winchester on the Front Royal Pike
    • Ewell's Objective: Perform demonstrations moving north along the east side of Winchester to "divert attention"[6] from Early's movements

[edit] Early's Division advances on the Valley Pike

Ewell ordered Early's Division and to cross west to Newtown, and moved north on the Valley Pike. Arriving at the outskirts of Kernstown late in the afternoon, Early pushed back Union skirmishers, and after a series of minor engagements the Union force retreated north of Abrams Creek.

[edit] Johnson's Division advances on the Front Royal Pike

Johnson's division on the Front Royal Pike drove back Union pickets, but his advance stalled under fire from Fort Milroy's heavy guns. Johnson withdrew to await the arrival of Early's division.

[edit] Milroy concentrates into his forts

Milroy concentrated all of his forces in the three forts defending the town. These combined actions caused alarm in the Union high command and General-in-chief Henry W. Halleck wanted Maj.Gen. Robert C. Schenck to order Milroy to fall back from Winchester to Harpers Ferry. Although Schenck had discussed evacuation with Milroy, he left no clear direction for Milroy to evacuate, since Milroy had convinced Schenck that his defensive position in Winchester was strong. Subsequently Confederate forces cut the telegram line into Winchester, leaving the desire to evacuate by Halleck not fully communicated to Milroy. Milroy decided to disregard concerns from Washington because he was confident that the strength of his fortifications would allow his garrison to withstand an assault or a siege. Ewell, based on good intelligence from sources in the lower valley, foresaw that Milroy's only escape route could be successfully blocked and ordered Rodes' division to advance on Martinsburg via Berryville to cut off Milroy's expected retreat.

[edit] Rode's Division advances on Berryville

At Berryville, Rodes's division and Jenkins's cavalry brigade attempted to capture McReynolds's brigade, but alerted to the Confederate movement, McReynolds withdrew to Winchester, where his force occupied the Star Fort. Nevertheless, the Confederates were able to capture portions of the Federal supply train at nearby Bunker Hill, West Virginia along with 75 prisoners.

[edit] June 14: Ewell's double-flank Attack

[edit] Early's left flanking march to Apple Pie Ridge

At dawn on June 14, Gordon's brigade swept forward to capture Bower's Hill with little resistance. Johnson extended his line to the right against very light opposition; there was fitful skirmishing in the streets of Winchester. Early and Ewell conferred on Bower's Hill and decided on a flanking strategy. Gordon's brigade and two batteries were left on Bower's Hill, while Early led his three other brigades back to Cedar Creek Grade, west beyond Apple Pie Ridge where it was out of view of Union fortifications, then north over Cloverdale Plantation to Walnut Grove. His column was accompanied by 20 guns. While Early made this march, Johnson advanced a line of skirmishers on the right to occupy the Federals' attention. The Confederate batteries on Bower's Hill opened up, touching off a duel with the Union guns in Fort Milroy. By mid-afternoon, Early's force had gained a position opposite West Fort on Apple Pie Ridge. Eight guns were positioned on the Brierly Farm northwest of the fort, while 12 guns were placed in an orchard southwest of the fort. By this time the field had quieted, and the Union forces believed that the Confederates had been repulsed from Winchester.

[edit] Early's attack on West Fort

About 6 p.m., Early's artillery opened fire on West Fort. The twenty guns fired for 45 minutes, while Hays stealthily advanced his Louisiana brigade through the corn and wheat fields at the base of Apple Pie Ridge. On command, the brigade rushed forward across 300 yards of open fields and swept upward into the works. After a brief hand-to-hand struggle, the Union defenders abandoned the works, retreating to Fort Milroy. Hays was supported in the attack by Smith's and Avery's brigades. Early consolidated his line on West Fort Ridge, but darkness prevented further gains. An artillery duel continued until long after dark. After the battle, Ewell christened West Fort Ridge as "Louisiana Heights" in honor of Hays's brigade.

[edit] Johnson's right flanking march toward Stephenson's Depot

Ewell assumed that Milroy would retreat during the night and ordered Johnson to prevent his escape by cutting the Charles Town Road. About 9 p.m., Johnson (with Steuart's and Williams's brigades and 8 guns) made a night march north to Berryville Pike and west to Jordan Springs Road, where he turned north toward Stephenson's Depot. About midnight, the Stonewall Brigade disengaged and joined the rear of the column, leaving one brigade (Jones) astride the Berryville Pike east of town.

[edit] Milroy retreats up the Martinsburg Pike

Also at 9 p.m., at a formal council of war, Milroy and his officers made the decision to try to "cut their way through" to Harpers Ferry on the old Charles Town Road. All of the cannons were spiked and their carriages destroyed. Shortly after midnight, the Union soldiers left their works so quietly that Early's Confederates did not know they were gone until morning. The column massed in the low ground between Star Fort and Fort Milroy, then moved down the railroad and the Valley Pike toward the Charles Town crossroad, just south of Stephenson's Depot.

[edit] June 15: Johnson's attack at Stephenson's Depot

[edit] Surprise attack on Milroy's column

Near dawn on June 15, Johnson's skirmishers encountered the head of Milroy's retreating column near the intersection of the Valley Pike and old Charles Town road. Milroy faced his column to the right on the pike and prepared to fight his way out of a "murderous trap" by enveloping the enemy. Johnson deployed his regiments along Milburn Road as they came up and advanced to the railroad and placed two guns on either side of the Charles Town Road railroad bridge. The rest of the artillery was deployed on the heights east of Milburn Road. As it grew light, Union forces made several desperate but uncoordinated attacks against the bridge and railroad embankment.

[edit] Milroy's Division scatter and surrender

The Confederates were being steadily reinforced and repulsed each attempt. Nicholl's Brigade crushed the final Union attack and the Stonewall Brigade then came up in line of battle north of the road and advanced to cut the Valley Pike. This was the final blow; Union regiments hoisted the white flag.

[edit] Aftermath

[edit] Casualty Reports:

Both Union and Confederate Official Record reports on casualties are practically identical. LtGen Ewell reports:

  • "The fruits of this victory were 23 pieces of artillery (nearly all rifled), 4,000 prisoners, 300 loaded wagons, more than 300 horses, and quite a large amount of commissary and quartermaster's stores."[7]

In the second instance, shortly after MajGen Schenck reports MajGen Milroy's arrest has just expired, Aide-de-Camp Capt. Frederick A. Palmer, 18th Connecticut Infantry reports in an extensive and detailed table of all units, summarized:[8]

  • Killed: 7 Officers, 88 Enlisted men, Wounded: 12 Officers, 336 Enlisted men, Captured or missing: 144 Officers, 3856 Enlisted men.

Thus, while LtGen Ewell reports 4,000 captured,the VIII Corps reports 144 Officers and 3856 Enlisted men missing or captured, which also adds to 4,000. Capt Palmer summarized the Union losses at at total of 4,443 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigades from the 2nd Division, VIII Corps including all independent attachments.

Johnson's Division, alone, captured 3,500 prisoners in the action at Stephenson's Depot, and this is not surprising, since this is the only major engagement of the war in which an entire Division column was attacked at night while rout marching on a road. General Johnson claimed to have taken 30 prisoners "with his opera glass!" as well as "11 stands of colors, 175 horses, and arms and accourtrements of every description".[9]

Some casualty estimates range lower. Eicher writes that Confederate casualties were 269 (47 killed, 219 wounded, 3 missing); Union 3,801 (95 killed, 348 wounded, 3,358 missing or captured). Ewell also captured 23 field guns, 300 horses, and more than 300 wagons filled with supplies.[10] Difficult to account for in the records are additional numbers of captured Union soldiers from the many hospitals in Winchester.[11]

The casualty ratio in this engagement of two divisions against one was an amazing 269 to 4,443 or 0.06 ... the most lopsided for an engagement of this size in the entire war. It's no wonder that Confederate artillerist Maj. Robert Stiles wrote, "This battle of Winchester ... was one of the most perfect pieces of work the Army of Northern Virginia ever did."

[edit] A Division Lost, Two Battalions Gained

Milroy and his staff, his cavalry, and other small units, escaped to Harpers Ferry. Additionally, in the days following the battle "1,200 Yankees reached Harpers Ferry and 2,700 more turned up in Bloody Run, Pennsylvania"[12] Milroy's command ceased to exist, and the scattered remnants of what was the 2nd Division, VIII Corps were assimilated back into the Middle Department, while Milroy was placed under arrest.

The Confederates captured enough artillery and horses to equip a battalion of each, including 23 guns and 300 horses in total[13], in addition to a great quantity of food, clothing, small arms ammunition and medical stores in Winchester.

[edit] Contribution to Lee's Gettysburg Campaign

The victory at Second Winchester cleared the Valley of Union troops and opened the door for Lee's second invasion of the North. The capturing of ample supplies justified Lee's plan to provision his army on the march. The Union defeat stunned the North, and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton called for additional militia to be federalized. Shortly afterwards, President Lincoln requested 100,000 volunteers to repel the threatened invasion.

Several fleeing members of the scattered 87th Pennsylvania hastily tramped back to their homes near Gettysburg and in adjoining York County, Pennsylvania, spreading news to local officials that the Confederates were now in the Valley in strength, with apparent designs on invading Pennsylvania. Gov. Andrew Curtin of Pennsylvania, in response to these reports and other military intelligence, called for 50,000 volunteers to protect the Keystone State.[14]

[edit] Leadership contribution

MajGen Jubal Early's leadership in this battle was superb. Later, Lee had the utmost confidence in Early, ultimately giving him not just the Confederate Second Corps, but a new Valley Distric army to try again, in 1864, the distracting demonstration invasion of the United States that Lee had always dreamed of. Early succeeded where Lee failed twice in Sharpsburg and Gettysburg, and shelled Fort Stevens in Washington, D.C. in a noble and last desperate attempt to free the south.

[edit] The Court of Inquiry

Following this battle a Court of Inquiry was held, and both President Abraham Lincoln and Gen. Halleck desired to know who disobeyed the orders to "evacuate Winchester". President Abraham Lincoln wrote to Milroy:

Major General Milroy
I have never doubted your courage and devotion to the cause... but... I have scarcely seen anything from you at any time that did not contain imputations against your superiors and a chafing against acting the part they have assigned you. You have constantly urged the idea that you were persecuted because you did not come from West Point, and you repeat it in these letters. This, my dear general, is, I fear, the rock on which you have split...

Abraham Lincoln, 29 June 1863[15]

The nature of the inquiry was later changed from investigating who disobeyed orders to evacuate Winchester, to the discovery of the events and nature of the retreat from Winchester. MajGen Milroy was exonerated and claimed his brilliant defensive action at Winchester was instrumental in causing the timing of the Battle of Gettysburg, leading to the overall Union victory for the campaign. Despite this, Gen. Halleck insisted that Milroy not be given any more commands.

[edit] References

Books on The Second Battle of Winchester

  • Beach, William H. The First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry: From April 19, 1861 to July 7, 1865. New York: The Lincoln Cavalry Association, 1902.
  • Grunder, Charles S. and Beck, Brandon H. The Second Battle of Winchester (2nd Edition). Lynchburg, VA: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1989. ISBN 0-930919-90-4
  • Grunder, Charles S. and Beck, Brandon H. The Three Battles of Winchester: A History and Guided Tour (2nd Edition). Berryville, VA: The Civil War Foundation, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0-939685-07-8
  • Maier, Larry B. Gateway to Gettysburg: The Second Battle of Winchester. Burd Street Press: Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 2002. ISBN 1-57249-287-2

Winchester Civil War Books and Diaries

  • Mahon, Michael G., Ed. Winchester Divided: The Civil War Diaries of Julia Chase & Laura Lee. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002. ISBN 0-8117-1394-6
  • Noyalas, Jonathan A. Plagued by War: Winchester, Virginia During the Civil War. Leesburg, VA: Gauley Mount Press, 2003. ISBN 0-9628218-9-6

Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Virginia

General References

  • Early, Lt.Gen. Jubal A. Autobiographical Sketch and Narrative of the War Between the States. With Notes by R.H. Early. Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott Company, 1912.
  • Eicher, David J., The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War, Simon & Schuster, 2001, ISBN 0-684-84944-5.
  • Kennedy, Frances H., Ed., The Civil War Battlefield Guide, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998, ISBN 0-395-74012-6.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Official Records, Series 1, Volume XXI, p. 947
  2. ^ Maier, p. 81.
  3. ^ Maier, p. 67.
  4. ^ Maier, p. 80.
  5. ^ Maier, p. 97.
  6. ^ Official Records, Series I, Volume XXVII/2 [S# 44]
  7. ^ Official Record, Series 1, Volume XXVII/2 [S# 44]
  8. ^ Official Records, Series 1, Volume XXVII/2 p.53
  9. ^ Grunder, Beck, Second Battle of Winchester, p. 52
  10. ^ Eicher, p. 494.
  11. ^ NPS website: Union casualty figures for Second Winchester vary widely because about two thousand Union soldiers not belonging to Milroy's command were in field hospitals in the city and were often added to the number of captured and missing.
  12. ^ Grunder, Beck, Second Battle of Winchester, p. 63
  13. ^ Grunder, Beck, Second Battle of Winchester, p. 63
  14. ^ Scott L. Mingus, Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Gordon Expedition, Ironclad Publishing, 2007.
  15. ^ Beach, p. 245

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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