Season of Migration to the North

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Title Season of Migration to the North
Season of Migration to the North
Author Al-Tayyib Salih
Original title موسم الهجرة إلي الشمال
Language Arabic
Publisher Al-Tayyib Salih
Released 1966
ISBN ISBN 0-435-90630-5

Season of Migration to the North (Arabic: موسم الهجرة إلي الشمال ) is a classical Sudanese novel that was translated from Arabic into English and French.

Published in 1966, Season of Migration to the North by Al-Tayyib Salih charts the individuation of the narrator, who has returned to his native village in the Sudan having spent seven years in England furthering his education.

On his arrival home, he encounters a new villager who exhibits none of the adulation for his achievements that the others do, and displays an antagonistically aloof nature. The villager betrays his past one drunken evening by wistfully reciting poetry in fluent English, leaving the narrator resolute to discover the stranger's identity.

What the narrator then discovers about the stranger, Mustafa Sa'eed, awakens in him great curiosity, despair and anger, and the lives of both men entwine perilously, even after the disappearance of Mustafa. The stories of Mustafa's past life in England, and the repercussions on the village around him, take a toll on the narrator, who is driven to the very edge of sanity. It is only finally, floating in the river Nile, precariously between life and death, that the narrator makes the conscious choice to rid himself of Mustafa's lingering presence, and to stand as an influential individual in his own right.

[edit] Editions in print