Sean Glass

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Sean Glass
Born October 05, 1979 (age 27)
Johannesburg, South Africa, Johannesburg, RSA
Occupation Entrepreneur
Spouse Kellee Williams
Parents Peter S. A. Glass, Sabrina Ursula Glass

Sean Peter Glass (born October 05, 1979) is an American entrepreneur known for co-founding theYale Entrepreneurial Society, Yale's entrepreneurship related organization, and Higher One, a company that provides financial services to ~600,000 students at 67 colleges and universities with the help of Yale friends Mark Volchek and Miles Lasater.


[edit] Early life

Sean was born in Johannesburg, South Africa to Dr. Peter and Sabrina Glass. When Sean was 4 and a half, his family moved to North Carolina where his father took a position at Duke University.

[edit] College years

Sean entered Yale University in 1998. There he majored in Electrical Engineering and worked in Mark Reed's lab. Following his freshman year, Sean examined leaving Yale to pursue and online venture. After a meeting with Chris Evans, the founder of Accipiter, Sean decided to return to Yale and to found an entrepreneur related organization. The meeting and decision process was documented in an article in the Wall Street Journal.

[edit] Yale Entrepreneurial Society

[edit] Higher One

[edit] References

[edit] External links