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Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management - [website:]
SEADATANET objective is to construct a standardized system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the new automatic observation systems. The objective is to network and enhance the currently existing infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres and satellite data centres of 35 countries, active in data collection. The networking of these professional data centres, in a unique virtual data management system will provide integrated integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line.
The SEADATANET Virtual Data Centre will be developed by the adoption and use of common standards and new communication technology. This presents several technical and organizational challenges to get a fully operational system, which will be met in the project activities, which include:
- Standards development and adoption for communication and Quality Assurance issues on data, meta-data and products
- A core of data management platforms equipped with adapted data processing software, archiving systems and fast communication network
- A network of multidisciplinary data centres from 35 countries and links with other major data sources
- A joint research scientific group of several high level institutes to prepare integrated data products and elaborate new methodologies to improve the system
- A Training and Capacity Building Program
- A project office will call desk and tracking system to insure the operability of the system and get feedback from the users