Sea Cadets

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Sea Cadets are generally members of a Sea Cadet Corps, a formal cadet organisation of young people with an interest in their national navy. The organization may be sponsored by the Navy or Naval supporter's organisation, such as a Navy League in the UK, or similar organisation. The various organisations are listed in alphabetical order of their nation.

"A Sea Cadet Corps or corresponding organization is a voluntary, non-political and non-militant youth organization, with membership unrestricted by race, sex or philosophical or religious convictions, which offers practical and theoretical training in nautical and maritime subjects within the context based on naval traditions."[1]

Sea Scouts are part of the Scout Movement, and an entirely different style of organisation. They should not be confused with cadets as they have different aims and objectives from a cadet organisation.


[edit] National and Territorial Sea Cadet Corps

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References