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[edit] Example of usage

Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss
Antonio Canova, 1787-1793
White marble, height 155 cm, 61 in
Paris, Louvre
 | image  = [[Image:Canova Le Baiser.jpg|250px]]
 | title  = Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss
 | artist = [[Antonio Canova]]
 | year   = [[1787]]-[[1793]]
 | type   = [[Marble|White marble]]
 | height = 155
 | inch   = 61
 | city   = [[Paris]]
 | museum = [[Louvre]]
 | image  = 
 | title  = 
 | artist = 
 | year   = 
 | type   = 
 | height = 
 | inch   =
 | city   = 
 | museum = 

[edit] See also