
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I feel like you are unfairly removing legitimate information and links that I am putting on our Wiki site. We are not stating anything that is an advertisement, in fact, we are simply stating facts. Saying, for example, we have 18,000 customers isn't an advertisement, it's fact. Linking to external resources, that are not always our own solution, isn't advertising.

We are big supporters of Wikipedia, in fact, many of our own Knowledge Base articles reference Wikipedia entries, so we appreciate and respect the role that it plays.

We are modeling our entries after companies like Microsoft and Exxon, and I think if you look at their entries, they look more like a promotion than anything. We fully understand that this is not a place to put in links to get reputation, in fact, we're smart enough to know that doesn't work here. With tens of thousands of people downloading our product a month, we know for a fact that many of them come to us after visiting Wikipedia and getting the information they need to proceed.

Please, if we were link spamming, that would be one thing, but clearly we are just trying to provide some valuable information about our technology for those that are seeking answers. Please be even handed in your treatment.

I welcome your response.

Nealbush 22:17, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

So you weren't external link spamming Wikipedia? What do you call these [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] that were added by User talk: and these [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] that were added by User_talk:Nealbush? And that is just a small sampling of the external links added by Scriptlogic employees. I am curious what role User_talk:Unormal plays in all this? In fact, Unormal's talk page blanking is what set off this cascade of events. (Requestion 15:55, 4 April 2007 (UTC))

[edit] Help me then

While I certainly disagree with your assessment that a company linking to it's own products on it's own Wiki page is link Spam, I would ask you then to show me an example of how it should be.

But, first, explain to me how, when a person comes to a page for a specific company or topic, and wants to get more information, that giving them a link to that information or product is Spam. Is it because that it is a link to a commercial product rather than just an informational source? If that's the case, then linking a company to 3rd party reviews and awards it may have won should be considered Spam, right? Or, because it's a 3rd party, then it's not self promotion and thus spam, right?

How can it be Spam if they come to the company, it's not the company going out to them.

Second, if someone is naive enough to think that they could improve their link reputation or placement in natural search, then why wouldn't they spray specific keywords throughout their own page. Clearly, that's not the case here. But, rather, an honest attempt to provide people who are legitimately searching for something additional, relevant information.

I would also say that you are not being even handed in your treatment. I would cite specifically, Qwest Software and NetIQ, both companies link to their own products. Again, in my mind, they should be able to do that.

I'm not trying to spark an argument, but rather appeal to your sense of purpose for a tool like Wikipedia. It's a place to provide legitimate information about specific topics for people that are seeking information, not about bombarding them with useless content and solicitations.

Is making a secondary Wiki page for each product the answer? If so, while I personally believe that is worse, if deemed acceptable, then please say so. I see that's how other companies are providing more information about their products. Again, help me and don't be so dictatorial and vindictive. 16:38, 5 April 2007 (UTC)