Scranton High School (Pennsylvania)

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Scranton High School is a High School located in Lackawanna County, Scranton, Pennsylvania. It is part of the Scranton School District. It provides education for over 1,900+ 9th through 12th grade students. Its principals have been: Alfred Karam (Aug. 2001-June 2002), Robert McTiernan (Aug. 2002-Oct. 2006), and Brian McGraw (Nov. 2006-Present).


[edit] Academics

The school is organized into the following academic units/departments:

  • Business
  • English
  • Fine Arts
  • Foreign Languages
  • Health/Physical Education
  • Home Economics
  • Industrial Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies

The school also offers advanced placement(AP) classes in the following classes:

  • Chemistry
  • Calculus
  • English Composition and Literature
  • US History
  • European History

The school also offers honors classes for motivated students in the above mentioned courses. It offers regular classes aimed at a wide range of students with different academic abilities and it also offers ESL and development courses for weaker students.

The Grading System that the school follows is:

Range of Grades: 10 to 100

Minimum Passing Grade:70

  • A+ : 98 to 100
  • A  : 94 to 97
  • A- : 90 to 93
  • B  : 86 to 89
  • B- : 82 to 85
  • C  : 78 to 81
  • C- : 74 to 77
  • D  : 70 to 74
  • F  : Below 70 (Failing)

Honors classes and AP classes are graded according to their weights respectively.

The graduation requirements from the school are as follows:

  • Social Studies : 4
  • Science (including Biology): 3
  • Mathematics: 4
  • Arts/Humanities: 2
  • Health/Safety Education: 1
  • Physical Education: 1
  • Elective Courses: 4

[edit] Sports

The school's official mascot is the knight, and the school's sport's teams are called Scranton Knights. The school actively participates in the following sports:

  • 9th Grade Boys Basketball
  • Boys Basketball
  • Boys Freshmen Football
  • Boys JV Football
  • Boys Soccer
  • Boys Tennis
  • Boys/Girls Varsity Cross Country
  • Cheerleading
  • Coed Varsity Golf
  • Girls Basketball
  • Girls Soccer
  • Girls Tennis
  • Swimming
  • Swimming (Girls)
  • Varsity Football
  • Wrestling

[edit] Rules and Regulations

Scranton High School is very strict in maintaing its rules among its student body. In the handbook, it specifically lists out the rules as follows:

  • Respect: The Scranton School Board calls for all students to have the highest regard for teachers and strictly not to reply in a demeaning attitude to any faculty or staff member of the school. The student, however is not devoid of rights and in case of an unfair treatment, the student has full authority to request the faculty member's meeting with a guidance counsellor or the principal/assistant principal or a parent.
  • Working to ability: The school board expects all students to be working to their full potential. The Board explicitly tells the students that they would not be garnering much out of their school time if they don't put effort and aim to achieve their best.
  • Home Environment: The school board understands that all households are not perfect, and that when they are not, student learning is hampered to a great extent. Therefore they expect a student to bring any incidents that hamper their focus to the notice of their counsellors immediately.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The school stands firmly committed to help any student indulging in substance abuse. However if the abuser is incorrigible, the abuser will have to be suspended from school activities till he/she can prove that he/she has successfully completed a rehabilitation course and is recouperating very well.
  • Tardiness: The school does not tolerate an excuses for tardiness. But it still tries to be lenient and gives the student three days of absence every quarter. But, the board does not like students coming late to school and any student who does not make it to the home room on time has to report to the main office with proof of a good excuse. If a student is carelessly tardy, punishment could range from detention every second day, to setting up a meeting with his/her parent/guardian, to expulsion from the school.
  • Bookbags: The school does not allow students to carry bookbags to class. The school assigns a locker to every student in school and they expect the student to use that locker for all storage purpose. In a similar vein, the school reserves the right to inspect a student's locker at any point and to get rid of materials it deems harmful to the learning environment in school.
  • Pagers and cellphones: According to Pennsylvania state law, students are not allowed to bring pagers and cellphones to school. If any member of the school's faculty finds a student in possession of a cell phone or a pager, they have full right to confiscate it immediately and the student's parent/guardian has to report to the main office to pick up the gadget. If the incident recurrs, then the school will permanently confiscate the device.
  • Students are not allowed to carry laser pens on them. If the school finds any student with a laser pen, the school will confiscate the laser pen permanently and the student will be assigned an early morning detention.
  • Truancy: The school strictly prohibits students to leave school grounds when school is in session without explicit permission from the principal or the assistant principal.
  • FIghting: Any student who is found guilty of initiating in a physical combat with his/her peers will be handed a ten day suspension and the school will also inform the parents of both parties of the decision.

[edit] Dress Code Policy

SHS has a relatively stricter dress code policy compared to most high schools. They adopted a school unform policy in May of 2005. According to this policy, students can purchase their clothes from any vendor of their choice, but they must follow the following rules:

  • Shirts and pants must be of contrasting colors. (e.g. no black on black, no white on white, no red on red, etc.)
  • The school only allows the following logos on clothing written in large lettering: "SHS, Knights, WSHS, INVADERS, SSD, SCRANTON SCHOOL DISTRICT".
  • They also allow small company logos that are no larger than three inches by three inches.
  • Coexisting with the above mentioned rules, the school does not allow clothing with profanity or politically sensitive or derogatory lines about anybody or any group.
  • The school strictly does not allow short dresses or exposure of ungergarments in any shape or form. Students must wear clothes that are appropriately sized for them. The school will not permit extra long or short clothing in any form. They will also hold students accountable for wearing any baggy clothing.
  • The only form of design that the school allows on clothing are stripes on the alternate collar or cuff of a sleeve.

[edit] Partnerships

[edit] Partnerships With Universities

Scranton High School does not have articulation agreements with any univrsities. However, students of the school can take summer college courses in the nearby Keystone College or Johnson Technical Institute for advanced placement classes that can also apply to their degree.

[edit] Partnerships With Vocational Schools

Scranton High School also allows students to take vo-tech classes at the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County

[edit] External links

  • [1] Official Website