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i am scott

I once wrote an essay like this Scott O Period 2

The Ways in Which the School Known as Wilmington High School Can Be Changed For the Better and Not For the Worse

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to come to a new land and start a new town, it is important to have public education facilities. However, over time these educational facilities cannot facilitate education due to their decrepit condition and antiquated technology and lack of extracurricular activities. Schools such as those are an injustice to the pupils who deserve a place where they can learn. One such school is Wilmington High School, an absolutely terrible excuse for an institution of secondary education. If this school does not have immediate changes made swiftly, it will fall into an abyss of student apathy and neglect, until it would be better to burn the school down and collect insurance money than to let the nine-hundred or so students complete their education. There is one aspect of Wilmington High School that is not absolutely terrible, and that is its location. The school’s central location is great for commuting to and from the school and reduces traffic because cars do not have to drive far away. However, the one good thing about the school is actually not really that good. By being in the center of the town, there is not that much room for expansion. This lack of space, would destroy most plans for additions because of the ensuing controversies surrounding the eviction of nearby residents of their land. So, even the one good thing about Wilmington High School is actually mixed with bad. One of the most important things that need to be changed is the building itself. In some towns, the schools are symbols of pride and show the town’s investment in future generations. Wilmington is not one of those towns. The school is nin such a runined state with its missing floor tiles, bad wall color, and confusing layout, that it is bad for learning. The best solution would be to tear down the school and build a new one. The new school would take up almost approximately the same amount of space as the current one, however the new school would be much more capacious. The new school would be four stories tall with an underground garage. The underground garage would eliminate the need for any surface parking lots meaning that the parking lot flanking the gym could be plowed over and turned into a garden or something of that nature. Each floor in the school would be set back ten feet from the previous floor, which would create a terraced ziggurat shaped building.

Examples of Exceptionally Good CD’s released in 2006 So, this being the end of the year 2006 I thought it would be fiitng if I compiled a list of all the best CD’s from the year, that way all posterity would know what one particular writer at his high school newspaper thought was the best of all the albums released that year. However I came to the realization that this would be unfeasible because in order to make a fair and unbiased assessment of what were the greatest CD’s of the year I would have to listen to every track of every released recorded media released this year. I also discovered that what one critic considered to be the best album of the year really does not mean anyone to anyone especially fans of another genre. So, I decided to give a list of a bunch of albums that were released this year that were exceptionally good. I feel sort of bad because there were a ton of other albums that were great that were released this year but I didn’t write about them, and maybe I hurt the feelings of the songs, and maybe someday I will look back at this and say, “why didn’t I make any remarks about Destroyer’s Rubies or Peregrine, or Belle and Sebastian, or my friends the hold steady’s boys and girls in america” but this is the way the cookie crumbled, how I felt when I wrote this, and by cookie I mean brain. Wow so much good stuff came out this year. So I hope that the reders realize that there are other great albums other than these ones.

1. There was The Obliterati released by Mission of Burma was replete with righteous tunes. Mission of Burma pretty much changed my life on account of their sheer grooviness. So yeah, Mission of Burma makes good melodious post-punk songs and they released an album. Oh yeah and Mission of Burma is awesome.

2. The Avalanche – Sufjan Stevens. It was made by Sufjan Stevens so in my mind I had the presupposition that this collection of B-Sides would be amazing. This shaped my opinions of the album after I acquired it and listened to it. And because of this I think that this album is the best thing ever, because Sufjan Stevens along with Kenesaw Mountain Landis are heroes of my childhood.

3. FutureSex/LoveSounds this is the greatest thing my ears have ever experienced. My brain almost exploded on account of this CD’s unmitigated awesomeness. This CD clearly pwns everything released this year ever. This music will define our generation even if our whole generation dies from some epidemic or something, because it is that good. I am jealous. Basically his CD changed my life. It is amazing. It is wonderful. It is delightful. It is a cromulent example of an embiggening artistic masterpiece. GO! Justin Timberlake and thanks for saving my life.

4. Bottoms of Barrels- Tilly and the Wall. A fairly reputable source informed me that this CD is good and I believe them. Mostly because after someone told me this I listened to it and thought it was kind of amazing. It almost made me want to go to the store and buy it, or shoplift it, but in the end I was content with downloading all the songs from the internet. Yey!

5. The Eraser - This is one of the best albums of the year because I said so and that is enough logic. How do I love thee? let me count the ways. One, two, three four, five, six. Let us just say it is the most intelligent danceable musical intelligent dance music ever made. Songs are about topics ranging from the death of Dr, David Kelley, to black outs, to global warming. If any album this list defines the era that we occupy right now it is this one. And I am not just saying that because it was made by the lead frontperson of Radiohead, I really do truly believe that.

6. Ys. – Joanna Newsom. This CD has nice cover art, so it probably has nice music. I think that is a logical assumption to make. She plays the harp. How novel! Steve Albini produced it, how doubleplusnovel!

7. Rabbit fur coat – Gee, this CD sure is swell. It sort of reminds me of songs people would sing if they were working on the railroad. Actually I am not sure if I really think that, but someone told me that and it seemed a reasonable so that became my feeling towards this work. It is like gospel only it is not about the gospels, so I guess it isn’t really gospel. Oh yeah .

8. Gulag Orkestar – Beirut. If I were to chose an album that was my number 1 for the year this is it. This is the best album of the year. That is not an opinion. Nor is it a sarcastic statement. This is fact. Gulag Orkestar is changed my life. This has inspired me to pack up all my things and travel around Europe creating ethnic sounding songs. So this is the end of my list because I am going to Europe now. Bye.

For some peculiar reason, there always seems to be inordinate amount of lights strung about for no good reason. Sure it is the Christmas Season, but I said a good reason. The reasons that I dislike Christmas lights are many. Firstly they serve no purpose. Allegedly they fill people with Christmas spirit, but I cannot see how coruscating bulbs of light will make people full of Christmas cheer or spirit. They are just lights. However other than serving no purpose at all they are a waste of energy. Think of all the houses all over the world with holiday lights on and how much more energy must be consumed. This is energy that could be saved for future days when there are no more sources of energy left on earth. In addition holiday lights are a distraction to motorists and result in traffic and accidents. Traffic leads to increased air pollution. Air pollution leads to global warming. Therefor Holidays lights are causing Global warming. It is for that reason that holiday lights strung inside or outside homes should be banned.