Scouting in Denmark
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The Scout and Guide movement in Denmark consists of about ten different associations. Most of them are members of two large federations, but there are also some independent organizations. Affiliated to Danish Scouting and Guiding are the organizations in Greenland, on the Faroe Islands and in Southern Schleswig.
Scouting in Denmark started in 1909. Danish Scouts were among the charter members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), Danish Guides among the foundig members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
[edit] Scout and Guide organizations
- Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (Danish Scout Council, 47,475 members), member of WOSM
- Danske Baptisters Spejderkorps (Danish Baptists' Scout Association)
- Det Danske Spejderkorps (The Danish Scout Association), with
- Dansk Spejderkorps Sydslesvig (Danish Scout Association of Southern Schleswig)
- Kalaallit Nunaanni Spejderit Kattufiat - Grønlands Spejderkorps (Greenland Scout Association)
- Føroya Skótaráð (Faroean Scout Council), with
- Føroya Skotasamband (Faroean Scout Association)
- KFUM-Skotarnir i Føroyum (YMCA-Scouts of the Faroe Islands), with
- Skótalið Frelsunarhersins (Salvation Army Scouts)
- KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark (YMCA-Scouts of Denmark), with
- Metodistkirkens Spejdere i Danmark (Methodist Scouts of Denmark)
- Pigespejdernes Fællesråd Danmark (Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark, 22,090 members), member of WAGGGS
- Danske Baptisters Spejderkorps
- De grønne pigespejdere (The Green Girl Guides - YWCA)
- Det Danske Spejderkorps, with
- Dansk Spejderkorps Sydslesvig
- Føroya Skótaráð, with
- Føroya KFUK Skótar (Faroean YWCA-Scouts)
- Føroya Skótasamband
- Kalaallit Nunaanni Spejderit Kattufiat - Grønlands Spejderkorps
- Adventistspejderne (Adventist Scouts), affiliated to Pathfinders International
- De Gule Spejdere i Danmark (The Golden Scouts of Denmark), member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts
[edit] Scout-like organizations
- Bnei Akiva, zionist youth organization
- DUI-Leg og Virke, socialist youth organization
- Frivilligt Drenge- og Pige-Forbund (Voluntary Boy and Girl Association)
- Royal Rangers Danmark