Scouting Ireland Provinces

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Break down of Provinces
Break down of Provinces

Scouting Ireland Provinces comprise of a number of Scouting Ireland Scout Counties, which are mobilised and coordinated to combine their resources for the better good of Scouting at local level.

There are six Scout Provinces in Ireland. Dublin Metropolitan, Northern, North Eastern, Western, Southern and South Eastern. They are based on a geographical area of reasonable distance and the National Management Committee determines its boundaries.

The Scout Province is organised and administered by the Provincial Management/Support Team. The primary role of the Scout Province is to support scouting at local level by assisting and supporting Scout Counties in fulfilling their role and by assisting in the making of Scouting Ireland’s policies and ensuring that these policies are carried out.

Scouting Ireland Provinces Scouting Ireland
Dublin Metropolitan Province | Northern Scout Province | North Eastern Scout Province
Western Scout Province | Southern Scout Province | South Eastern Scout Province