Scott Sigler

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Scott Carl Sigler (Born November 30th) is a contemporary science fiction and horror writer and podcaster from Michigan. He resides in San Francisco, California with his wife and two dogs.

Scott Carl Sigler
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Scott Sigler
Born: November 30th
Occupation: Author
Nationality: American
Genres: Science Fiction/Horror
Literary movement: The Podiobook
Debut works: "EarthCore"
Influences: King Kong, Jack London
Influenced: J.C. Hutchins
Website: Sigler's PodShow homepage


[edit] Novels: Print and Podcast

In March 2005, Sigler started podcasting his novel "EarthCore." The book had been picked up for publishing, but after the attacks of 9/11 the publisher did not contact him. He decided to podcast the novel to build hype.
After EarthCore's success, Sigler released "Ancestor" then "Infection". Currently, he is broadcasting "The Rookie."

• "EarthCore" is available as a podcast novel at and was published in paperback by Dragon Moon Press, 2005
• "Ancestor" is available as a podcast novel from and also due out in print from Dragon Moon Press on April 1, 2007 and was released as a free PDF.
• "Infection", available as a podcast novel from, 2006 (to be renamed "Infested" for the print version)
• "The Rookie", a podcast novel or Podiobook in progress since 25th of September 2006, available at

[edit] Future Stories

"Earthcore II: Mt. Fitzroy" was officially announced at the September 2006 Portable Media Expo (now renamed "The Podcast & New Media Expo") in Ontario, California. The podcast sequel to "Earthcore" follows a heavily-armed team led by the surviving Patrick O'Doyle as they head off to the other known Rocktopi site at Mt. Fitzroy, Argentina. While no official release date has been announced, the author stated it would be out approximately one year from the date of the 2006 Expo.

"Nocturnal" is the next podcast novel after "The Rookie" and is due for release in July of 2007.

[edit] Short Stories

"Chuckles Mulrooney, Attorney for the Damned", a short story available on episode 57 of the Escape Pod podcast 2006
"Hero" a short story available on episode 35 of the Escape Pod podcast 2006
"Champions Presents #1" (Paperback), Hero Games, 1991
"Sigurd Archdiocese: Forces Book", Iron Crown Enterprises, 1997
"Asp Technocracy (Silent Death, the Next Millennium)", Iron Crown Enterprises, 1998
"Number One With a Bullet" from the "Monsters from Memphis" anthology, also played on Scott's "Bloodcast"
"Bag Man", a short story available on episode 1 of the Pseudopod podcast, 2006
"Splashing Contest" Short story published in Flesh & Blood magazine, also played on "Bloodcast"
"Sacred Cow"from Scott's "Bloodcast" feed. (Adapted for a short movie by the podcast "Stranger Things"

[edit] Trivia

  • On episodes released the week of June 5th 2006, Sigler and fellow podcast novelist J. C. Hutchins announced a contest called "Share The Pain" in which listeners are to identify the six instances in which the storyline of Sigler's "Infection" podcast novel collide with that of Hutchins' "7th Son". The contest was run by Sigler, Hutchins and Podcast Pickle.
  • Scott Sigler has made mention of another Scott Sigler, who performs as a clown and has apparently been mistaken for Scott the author. Strangely or suspiciously, the "other" Scott Sigler's clown name is Mookie, the same as Scott's dog.
  • On Monday 19th March 2007, Ancestor was released as a free Adobe Acrobat download to subscribers of Scott Sigler's Podcast feed, as well as to subscribers of several podcasts that belonged to the Farpoint Media network.

[edit] External links

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