Science Abstracts
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The first issue of Science Abstracts was published in January 1898. During the first year, a total of 1,423 abstracts was published at monthly intervals and at the end of the year an author and subject index were added.
The first issue contained 110 abstracts and was divided into 10 sections:
- General Physics
- Light
- Heat
- Sound
- Electricity
- Electrochemistry and Chemical Physics
- General Electrical Engineering
- Dynamos, Electric Motors and Transformers
- Power Distribution, Traction and Lighting
- Telegraphy and Telephony
Science Abstracts was the result of a joint collaboration between the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and The Physical Society of London. The publication was (at that time) provided without charge to all members of both societies. The cost of the publication was mainly borne by the IEE and The Physical Society, financial contributions were also received from The Institution of Civil Engineers, The Royal Society and The British Association for the Advancement of Science
By 1902, the annual number of abstracts published had increased to 2,362. By May 1903 it was decided to split the publication into two parts: A (Physics) and B (Electrical Engineering). This decision allowed the subject scope particularly in physics to widen and as a result a larger quantity of material to be covered.
Science writer and science fiction author Sir Arthur C. Clarke was Assistant Editor of Science Abstracts in 1949.