User talk:Schmoul Aschkenazi

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Okay, now look, im not trying to start any arguments or make any enemies. I haven't vandalised any articles, I am genuinely attempting to improve the quality of the FDB article. As it stands (as reverted by you) it is non-partisan. Judging by your user page, you have a vested interest. All I request is that you dont rely solely on the FDB website, and specifically use other REPUTABLE sources for more important information. Wikipedia policy justifies my obstinance. Ergo, I will continue to revert until you somehow contribute at least to the discourse on the subject, instead of reverting, with miniscule and provocative comments. Regards, Maximus Meridius 10:21, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

Granted, deletion is quite aggresive, but judging by the content of the original article I feel it was more than necessary. Wikipedia IS NOT a vanity, it is not a medium for shameless political promotion, it is not a biography of insignificant individuals. How can you possibly justify the content of the original article. It was written in an un-professional manner, and would only diminish Wikipedia as a source of neutral, impartial and fair information. What justification is there for using information from the FDB website. If the website administrator publishes information proclaiming the "Maximus_meridius smells" would it be fair to publish this in Wikipedia? Though my logic might be juvenile, it is nonetheless correct. Perhaps we could rebuild the article. I am more than happy for this to occur, so long as it relies on valid, and reputable sources. Maximus Meridius 10:37, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

MM, don't run your personal agenda under the guise of compliance with Wikipedia guidelines. Your ruse was absolutely transparent. Revert warring and sockpuppeting will get you banned every time you try it. Hope you're enjoying your little [holiday].

The initial author of the FightDemBack article is not known to the core of the FDB activists, which includes myself. The entry was brought to our attention after the fact of its creation.

In terms of provenance of information about the FDB group, one could do no better than to obtain that information directly from one of them. FDB activists, now made aware of the existence of the FDB article on Wikipedia, are presently directly involved with assuring accuracy of the entry. Schmoul Aschkenazi 01:03, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

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-Will Beback · · 09:08, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

I'm presuming you've had the same counseling session with Alex 'Delos' Fogerty, haven't you, Will?

Ban me if you like.