Schwarz-Christoffel mapping

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In complex analysis, a discipline within mathematics, a Schwarz-Christoffel mapping is a transformation of the complex plane that maps the upper half-plane conformally to a polygon. Schwarz-Christoffel mappings are used in potential theory and some of its applications, including minimal surfaces and fluid dynamics. They are named after Elwin Bruno Christoffel and Hermann Amandus Schwarz.


[edit] Definition

Consider a polygon in the complex plane. The Riemann mapping theorem implies that there is a bijective holomorphic mapping f from the upper half-plane

\{ \zeta \in \mathbb{C}: \operatorname{Im}\,\zeta > 0 \}

to the interior of the polygon. The function f maps the real axis to the edges of the polygon. If the polygon has interior angles α,β,γ,..., then this mapping is given by

f(\zeta) = \int^\zeta \frac{K}{(w-a)^{1-(\alpha/\pi)}(w-b)^{1-(\beta/\pi)}(w-c)^{1-(\gamma/\pi)} \cdots} \,\mbox{d}w

where K is a constant, and a < b < c < ... are the values, along the real axis of the ζ plane, of points corresponding to the vertices of the polygon in the z plane. A transformation of this form is called a Schwarz-Christoffel mapping.

Remark it is often convenient to consider the case in which the point at infinity of the ζ plane maps to one of the vertices of the z plane polygon (conventionally the vertex with angle α). If this is done, the first factor in the formula is effectively a constant and may be regarded as being absorbed into the K.

[edit] Example

Consider a semi-infinite strip in the z plane. This may be regarded as a limiting form of a triangle with vertices P = 0, Q = πi, and R (with R real), as R tends to infinity. Now α = 0 and β = γ = π / 2 in the limit. Suppose we are looking for the mapping f with f(−1) = Q, f(1) = P, and f(∞) = R. Then f is given by

f(\zeta) = \int^\zeta    \frac{K}{(w-1)^{1/2}(w+1)^{1/2}} \,\mbox{d}w. \,

Evaluation of this integral yields

z = f(\zeta) = C + K \operatorname{arccosh}\,\zeta,

where C is a (complex) constant of integration. Requiring that f( − 1) = Q and f(1) = P gives C = 0 and K = 1. Hence the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping is given by

z = \operatorname{arccosh}\,\zeta.

This transformation is sketched below.

Schwarz-Christoffel mapping of the upper half-plane to the semi-infinite strip
Schwarz-Christoffel mapping of the upper half-plane to the semi-infinite strip

[edit] Other simple mappings

[edit] Triangle

A mapping to a plane triangle with angles πa, πb and π(1 − ab) is given by

z=f(\zeta)=\int^\zeta \frac{dw}{(w-1)^{1-a} (w+1)^{1-b}}.

[edit] Square

The upper half-plane is mapped to the square by

z=f(\zeta) = \int^\zeta \frac {\mbox{d}w}{\sqrt{w(w^2-1)}} =\sqrt{2} \, F\left(\sqrt{\zeta+1};\sqrt{2}/2\right).

where F is the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind.

[edit] General triangle

The upper half-plane is mapped to a triangle with circular arcs for edges by the Schwarz triangle map.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Tobin A. Driscoll and Lloyd N. Trefethen, Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping, Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-521-80726-3.
  • Z. Nehari, Conformal Mapping, (1952) McGraw-Hill, New York.
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