School for the Creative and Performing Arts

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SCAPA at Bluegrass
Type Elementary school

Middle school
High school (at Lafayette)

Principal Ms. Marilynn Cunningham
Students 276 (grades 4-8)
Grades 4-8 (& 9-12 at Lafayette High School)
Location Lexington, Kentucky USA
Website School Webpage

The School for the Creative and Performing Arts or SCAPA is an arts-oriented school in Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington, Kentucky which provides students who are especially talented and/or interested in the arts the opportunity to further develop and enhance their abilities. SCAPA consists of grades 4-8 at the middle school level and continues on with the SCAPA program at Lafayette High School (grades 9-12). It was the top performing school in Kentucky for 2005-2006 in the CTBS scores and in writing.


[edit] The audition process

SCAPA is a public school, but to attend, you must go through an audition process. Students from 3rd grade to 7th grade may try out for SCAPA Bluegrass, the elementary/middle school. Students choose one major to audition for, and, depending on the major, go to SCAPA and complete their audition. However, students in grades 8-11 can try out for SCAPA Lafayette.

[edit] Further auditions

If the student is accepted:

  • Auditioning as a 3rd grader for 4th grade:
This is where SCAPA starts. There are two classes of 4th graders, each consisting of 27 students. This means 54 students will be able to attend SCAPA this year. The major sizes are not always equal.
  • Auditioning as a 4th grader for 5th grade:
Students who audition are placed on a waiting list. For each student in this grade who leaves SCAPA, a student on the waiting list is called in. The 5th grade classes still consist of 54 students, 27 in each class.
  • Auditioning as a 5th grader for 6th grade:
The cohort is enlarged by 2, to 56 children (28 in each class). More children may be admitted to SCAPA if someone leaves.
  • Auditioning as a 6th grader for 7th grade:
Students who audition are placed on a waiting list. For each student in this grade who leaves SCAPA, a student on the waiting list is called in. The 7th grade classes still consist of 56 students, 28 in each class.
  • Auditioning as a 7th grader for 8th grade:
Students who audition are placed on a waiting list. For each student in this grade who leaves SCAPA, a student on the waiting list is called in. The 8th grade classes still consist of 56 students, 28 in each class.

Students can audition for high school as well.

[edit] Subjects

[edit] Majors

There are nine majors at SCAPA.

4th and 5th graders have majors together. 6th, 7th, and 8th graders have majors together. There are two teachers for the drama, and visual art majors. The students in these majors have each teacher for two 9 weeks, each. In these majors, the classes are usually spilt 6th and 7th graders, and 8th graders; or 6th graders, and 7th and 8th graders.

[edit] Minors

Minors are only for middle school students, grades 6th-8th. Minors are 8th period, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Children do not have to audition for their Minor. They pick another arts area they are interested in, and take this class. Students are allowed to change their minor at the end of one year, for the next, only if their grades permit. If there is not enough room in the minor they wish, they must stay in their original minor.

[edit] Schools

[edit] SCAPA at Bluegrass

SCAPA only consists of two classes per grade, making ten homerooms total. There are always 276 children total at SCAPA. SCAPA Bluegrass' building consists of two floors.

[edit] Elementary school

Elementary School at SCAPA is very normal. 4th grade students have their homeroom teacher for either:

  1. Grammar, Reading, Spelling, Writing
  2. Math, Social Studies

This depends on which homeroom teacher they have. After majors, 4th grade students go to the other 4th grade teacher for the subjects they haven't had yet, for the rest of the day. They also have science with a separate teacher every day for one class period. For example, if a student had Grammar, Reading, Spelling, and Writing first, they would go to the other 4th grade teacher for Math and Social Studies. After lunch each day, 4th graders have classes called "Specials" which are classes like Physical Education, Health, Music, Art, or Drama.

5th grade is a little different. Students have one teacher for all subjects except science, and "Specials".

[edit] Middle school

6th grade at SCAPA is usually a big adjustment for kids, as with any other child entering middle school. In middle school, there are 8 class periods a day.

[edit] SCAPA at Layfette High School

[edit] High school

SCAPA continues on to high school, at Lafayette High School. Students enrolled in the SCAPA program have majors one class period a day, every day.

[edit] Performances

SCAPA puts on two plays each year. The first is a musical directed by one of the two drama teachers. Middle school students are allowed to audition, while elementary students are usually extras. A majority of the school is usually involved in the musical, which is held at the Lexington Opera House. The second play is a straight play, meaning it has no musical numbers and is a drama. Two casts rehearse and perform separately: one cast is comprised of middle school drama majors, usually in 7th and 8th grade, who audition and rehearse in class, while the other cast is made up of students from grades 4-8 by general audition. The performances are held at whatever theatre is available, most recently the Lexington Downtown Arts Center.

SCAPA also holds "Dance SCAPA", a showcase of all dancers' talents, also performed at the Lexington Opera House. "Dance SCAPA" is held once a year and consists of all Ballet and Contemporary dance majors and minors.

[edit] SCAPA Speech Team

The school is known for its Speech Team, which has won the Kentucky High School Speech League (KHSSL) State Tournament in the Junior Division every year since 1997.

The team, coached by Beth Randolph and Debbie Dean, consists of 6th through 8th graders, with membership by audition.

They are currently celebrating their 10th year of obtaining the State Championship.

[edit] External links