Schmidt reaction

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The Schmidt reaction is an organic reaction involving alkyl migration over the carbon to nitrogen chemical bond in an azide with expulsion of nitrogen [1]. A key reagent introducing this azide group is hydrazoic acid and the reaction product depends on the type of reactant: carboxylic acids form amines through an isocyanate intermediate:

Schmidt reaction for carboxylic acids

and ketones form amides:

Schmidt reaction for ketones

A catalyst is required which can be a protic acid usually sulfuric acid or a lewis acid. The reaction was discovered in 1924 by R.F. Schmidt [2] who successfully converted benzophenone and hydrazoic acid to benzanilide. It is a tool regularly used in organic chemistry for the synthesis of new organic compounds for example in that of the unusual 2-quinuclidone.


[edit] Reaction mechanism

The carboxylic acid Schmidt reaction starts with acylium ion 1 obtained from protonation and loss of water. Reaction with hydrazoic acid forms the protonated azido ketone 2 which goes through a rearrangement reaction with the alkyl group R migrating over the C-N bond with expulsion of nitrogen. The protonated isocyanate is attacked by water forming carbamate 4 which after deprotonation loses carbon dioxide to the amine.

Schmidt reaction mechanism amine formation

The reaction is related to the Curtius rearrangement except that in this reaction the azide is protonated and hence with different intermediates.

In the reaction mechanism for the ketone Schmidt reaction the carbonyl group is activated by protonation for nucleophilic addition by the azide forming intermediate 3 which loses water in a elimination reaction to temporary imine 4 over which one of the alkyl groups migrates from carbon to nitrogen with loss of nitrogen. A similar migration is found in the Beckmann rearrangement. Attack by water and proton loss converts 5 to 7 which is a tautomer of the final amide.

Schmidt reaction mechanism amide formation

[edit] Scope

An intramolecular Schmidt reaction has been applied to the synthesis of novel bicyclic lactams [3]:

Intramolecular Schmidt Reaction

[edit] External links

Schmidt reaction appearances in organic syntheses:

  • Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. 10, p.207 (2004); Vol. 79, p.165 (2002). Link
  • Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. 5, p.408 (1973); Vol. 44, p.41 (1964). Link

[edit] References

  1. ^ Named Organic Reactions, 2nd Edition, Thomas Laue and Andreas Plagens, John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England, New York, 2005. 320 pp. ISBN 0-470-01041-X
  2. ^ Schmidt, R.F. Ber., 1924, 57, 704.
  3. ^ Cation-pi Control of Regiochemistry of Intramolecular Schmidt Reactions en Route to Bridged Bicyclic Lactams Lei Yao and Jeffrey Aubé J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2007; 129(10) pp 2766 - 2767; (Communication) DOI:10.1021/ja068919r
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