Scherpenberg mill

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Scherpenberg windmill
Scherpenberg windmill

The Scherpenberg mill is a windmill of the tower mill type and is located in Westmalle, Belgium. It is still operational and it grinds grain every Sunday from 1:30 pm up to 5 pm.


[edit] History

The mill was built in 1843, by Joannes and Petrus Mullenbrück (Meulenbroeck). Joannes and Petrus Mullenbrück were the sons of Christianus Mullenbrück, who had came from Westphalia, Germany to Westmalle in 1808. Joannes became the miller and his brother Petrus moved to Ossendrecht in the Netherlands, where he worked as a miller also. The mill was used until 1961, when it became obsolete. The municipality of Westmalle bought the mill in 1962 and mill builder Jozef Caers from Kasterlee started with the first restoration work. After several years the mill became operational again in 1985. In 2003, important maintenance work was carried out.

[edit] Owners and millers

  • Christianus Mullenbrück-Aerts (1843) - miller Joannes Mullenbrück.
  • Joannes Mullenbrück-Nicolay (1853) - also miller.
  • Franciscus Stevens-Mullenbrück 1881) - also miller.
  • Fransiscus Janssens-Geerts (1891) - miller Jan Verschueren.
  • Gustaaf Janssens-Van de Mierop (1930) miller Frans Boekx (as from 1927).
  • Widow G. Janssens-Van de Mierop - miller Frans Boekx.
  • Magdalena and Laura Janssens (1956) - miller Jozef Boekx (as from 1954).
  • Magdalena Janssens and heiress Laura Huyskens-Janssens (1961).
  • Municipal authorities of Westmalle (1962).
  • Municipal authorities of Malle (as from 1977 - by the fusion with Oostmalle).

[edit] See also

[edit] Source