Talk:Saxon (teaching method)

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This is nonsense. The phrase "Anglo-Saxon math" is a wholly-invented fantasy of Arthur Hu.

I don't understand what the criticism of Saxon math for lacking creativity is. Why would you need creativity for high school mathematics textbooks. NikolaiLobachevsky 20:59:28 1/25/2007 (UTC)

I'm changing the introduction- speciffically the part which introduces how the program works, because I know from firsthand experience that the program changes as the book levels progress.Pickled Cookie 06:04, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

I am a Home schoolar and this is my second year with Saxon Math it has been very interesting for instead of just stating a thing matter of factly thay cause you to think for yourself, and clearly, and it walks you though the prosses of learning. PS: Niky Saxon Math is very creative and you need creativity to engage the students and remember Pikils it's the student that is leaning not the teacher! PSS: Art Saxon is a last name andis as much of a fantasy as arthur (wich I am mostly welsh wich I am supossing you are too by your name).-- 15:38, 1 March 2007 (UTC)Michael Morgan age 12 1 March, 2007