Sax solo gag

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During the opening credits of many episodes of The Simpsons, Lisa Simpson plays a unique solo on her saxophone. This is known as the sax solo gag. In the early days of the series, a gag was used in almost every episode; they are now shown as rarely as twice per season.

[edit] Sax solo gags

  • Main Theme (an octave higher)
  • Main Theme
  • Main Theme, Variation #1
  • Slow Downward Blues Scale
  • Main Theme, Variation #2
  • Downward Blues #1
  • Downward Blues #2
  • Main Theme, Variation #3
  • Crazy Be-Bop
  • Melodic Figure #1
  • Melodic Figure #2
  • Break Out
  • Funk #1
  • Funk #2
  • Funk Groove
  • Slow Soul
  • Hot Jazz
  • Three Blasts
  • Mellow Yellow
  • Waiting Horn
  • Counter Rhythm
  • Coffeehouse Improv.

[edit] See also

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