Saw Maung

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Saw Maung
Saw Maung

In office
1988 – 1992
Vice President(s)   General Than Shwe
Preceded by General Ne Win
Succeeded by Senior General Than Shwe

Born 1928
Mandalay, Upper Burma
Died 24 July 1997
Political party SLORC

Saw Maung (1928 - 1997), born in Mandalay, was a political figure in Myanmar. He was a military general when he staged a coup in 1988 and became the prime minister and effective dictator of the country. Saw Maung headed a council named State law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC),and he promised to hold a free election in 1990.Many political parties run for the election.Among them,National League for Democracy(NLD)party led by Daw Aung San Su Kyi,daughter of former national hero General Aung San and the National Unity Party(NUP),the new name of the collapsed Burma Socialist Program Party found by General Ne Win, were the strongest.NLD won a landslide vicotry but the ruling military junta(SLORC) never allowed the winner to rule the country. At that time, no one country was allowed to intervene Burmese's affairs. Like previous military dictators, Saw Maung tried to crush opposition to his rule. He was also the foreign minister from 1988 to 1991.It is believed that he was forced to retire in April 1992, citing health reasons, giving up his position as military dictator to Than Shwe. Gen Saw Maung died at age 68, 24 July 1997,

Preceded by
Maung Maung (acting)
Chairman of the State Law and Order Restoration Council
After 1997State Peace and Development Council
Succeeded by
Than Shwe

[edit] References

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