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[edit] Saudi
Saudi InFocus is a daily electronic publication that delivers news and articles about all aspects in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world , It highlights the Saudi Arabia role in regional and national economies, societies, and political debate. In addition, Saudi Infocus publishes commentary by a range of journalists, scholars, and policy makers around the globe.
Saudi InFocus is not a government institution. It is rather the private production of a group of professional Saudi individual who are highly interested in the public affairs.
Saudi InFocus subscribes to no one government or ideological view. It is a nonpartisan news network based on one critical belief: The East and West, joined by the media, can build mutual understanding that would in turn lead to solutions for shared problems. Presiding over this union is Saudi Infocus – a strong regional publication that serves as an indispensable player in the region’s political and media life. Why was it formed?
Throughout the world, the media is the most powerful tool that drives political debate, forming regional and national perceptions along the way. The world knows precious little about Saudi Arabia. The reverse is also true. Thus in this global universe, our best efforts to establish perspectives, policies and public awareness of issues related to the Saudi societies are seriously stymied.
Saudi InFocus helps break that barrier between the Saudi Arabia, and the rest of the world. It creates a new, cross-cultural, cross-continental media and, thus, a new community of ideas and information.
To do this, Saudi InFocus gathers top opinion makers and communicators with both expertise in and access to major media institutions on both sides of the continental divide. This is something that no other Asian or Asia-Pacific studies organization has done. Or tried to do.
Saudi InFocus is finance by the founders.