Saumarez, New Brunswick

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Saumarez is a parish in northeastern New Brunswick, Canada in Gloucester County. It has a population of 6,935 according to the 2001 census, of which 98.9% are Francophones.

The parish is defined in the Territorial Division Act as:

Bounded easterly by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and northerly, westerly and southerly by the following described bounds: Beginning at a point in the most western extremity of a twenty acre lot granted to F. Vienneau, situated at the easterly entrance of the Tracadie Lagoon; thence northwesterly in a direct line across said Lagoon to the mouth of LeBouthillier Brook; thence in a northwesterly direction following the various courses of said brook upstream to Highway 11 leading from Tracadie to Pokemouche; thence in a direct line to the northeast angle of lot number one hundred and forty-five, granted to Dosite Landry, situated on the north side of the Saint-Isidore Road; thence in a westerly direction along the north limit of said lot to a point where the same is intersected by a direct line extending from the southeast angle of lot number one hundred and forty-four, granted to Dos. Landry, to the Southwest angle of lot number five, granted to Joseph Lavigne, in Range Six, Val-Doucet; thence in a southeasterly direction along said direct line to the southeast angle of aforesaid lot number one hundred and forty-four, granted to Dos. Landry; thence in a westerly direction along the south limit of said lot to a point where the same is intersected by the west bank or shore of Gaspereau Creek; thence in a southerly direction along said bank or shore to a point in the southern limit of lot number one hundred and forty-two, granted to M. Gottro; thence in a westerly direction along the southern limit of said lot and said limit of lot number three hundred and six, granted to George Savoy, and lot number three hundred and nine, granted to A. Basque, to a point in the eastern limit of lot number one, granted to T. Richard; thence in a southerly direction along said limit of said lot to the southeast angle of the same; thence in a westerly direction along the south limit of Range Six, Saint-Isidore, to the northwest angle of lot number two hundred and eighty-nine, granted to Canute Arceno, situated in the Second Tier North of the Little Tracadie River; thence in a southerly direction along the west limit of said lot and said limit of lot number thirty, granted to Richard Arseneault, to a point in the north bank or shore of the aforesaid River; thence following the said bank or shore upstream to a point where the same is intersected by the south limit of Range Nine, Saint-Isidore; thence in a westerly direction along said limit of said Range and its western prolongation to a point in the Division line between Timber Block Numbers Three and Four, Range Eight; thence in a southerly direction along said Division line in Ranges Eight, Nine and Ten to a point in the Gloucester County-Northumberland County line; and thence in an easterly direction along said County line to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.