Saul Tarvitz

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In the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe, Saul Tarvitz was a captain of the Emperor's Children Legion of Space Marines.

[edit] History

In Horus Rising, Saul Tarvitz is a loyal Space Marine of the Imperium of Man. He is shown to be a captain of the Emperor's Children Legion alongside his fellow captain and friend Lucius (later Lucius the Eternal), where he attempts to rescue members of the Blood Angels Legion from the hostile planet known as 'Murder'. The portrayal of Tarvitz's friendship with Lucius is used to highlight elements of their characters that will lead to Lucius's eventual betrayal; where Lucius is written as childish and egotistical , Tarvitz appears mature and grounded. The book also makes a point of his superior doubt of how the legion is changing.

While the character of Lucius goes through a series of changes during the course of the Horus Heresy novels, Tarvitz remains as he was. However, his loyalties did change, as he lost faith in the 'martial and moral perfection' of his legion, and moved towards the safety of people who shared his views, specifically Garviel Loken and Tarik Torgaddon of the Luna Wolves. This began on Murder, where he was reprimanded by Lord Commander Eidolon, who then claimed responsibility for the success of Tarvitz's actions. He eventually discovered the dark secret inside his legion. Apothecary Fabius had been involved in deliberate gene-seed mutation, which Tarvitz saw as heretical and impure. He refused to be involved, and so Eidolon marked him down as a traitor

Tarvitz's death and final fight is detailed Istavaan III incident in the novel, Galaxy in Flames. Fighting on the side of the loyalist marines for several months alongside Lucius he led the remaining troops in their last attempt to fight off the Chaos forces. Lucius, who was only there due to his association with Tarvitz, eventually comes to resent his role in their success against the enemy and the respect he commands from their men. Lucius contacts Lord Commander Eidolon of the traitorous Emperor's Children element, promising to deliver Tarvitz - and the Imperial position - to the Warmaster's forces in exchange for rejoining the Legion. During an attempt to outflank the attackers, Tarvitz finds Lucius and is challenged to one-on-one combat, with Tarvitz emerging the victor and Lucius fleeing the battle.

Shortly after the Warmaster, realising how many Astartes he is losing withdraws his forces and bombs the surface, wiping out all remaining loyalist forces.

[edit] Weapons and abilities

Tarvitz is a file officer, and proud of it, not aspiring to anything higher. He is however, an extremely competent commander, and had respect from all of the men that followed him.

Tarvitz is armed with a Powered Broadsword, as well as a standard issue Space Marine bolter and a combat shield.